Sabina Huč
Sabina Huč
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Verifierad e-postadress på fkkt.uni-lj.si
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Coupled two-dimensional modeling of viscoelastic creep of wood
S Huč, S Svensson
Wood science and technology 52, 29-43, 2018
Hygro-mechanical analysis of wood subjected to constant mechanical load and varying relative humidity
S Huč, S Svensson, T Hozjan
Holzforschung 72 (10), 863-870, 2018
Rheological behavior of wood in stress relaxation under compression
S Huč, T Hozjan, S Svensson
Wood Science and Technology 52, 793-808, 2018
Predicting the thickness of zero-strength layer in timber beam exposed to parametric fires
S Huč, R Pečenko, T Hozjan
Engineering Structures 229, 111608, 2021
Numerical analysis of moisture-induced strains and stresses in glued-laminated timber
S Huč, S Svensson, T Hozjan
Holzforschung 74 (5), 445-457, 2020
Wood-adhesive bond loaded in mode II: experimental and numerical analysis using elasto-plastic and fracture mechanics models
V Sebera, JG Pečnik, B Azinović, J Milch, S Huč
Holzforschung 75 (7), 655-667, 2021
Influence of grain direction on the time-dependent behavior of wood analyzed by a 3D rheological model. A mathematical consideration
S Huč, S Svensson
Holzforschung 72 (10), 889-897, 2018
Modelling charring of timber exposed to natural fire
R Pečenko, T Hozjan, S Huč
Journal of Wood Science 69 (1), 19, 2023
Implementation of fully coupled heat and mass transport model to determine the behaviour of timber elements in fire
R Pečenko, S Huč, G Turk, S Svensson, T Hozjan
13th World Conference on Timber Engineering: Renaissance of Timber Construction, 2014
Moisture-Induced Strains and Stresses in Wood
S Huč
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2019
Analiza požarne varnosti enostanovanjskih vrstnih hiš
S Huč
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, 2013
Thickness of zero-strength layer in timber beam exposed to fuel-controlled parametric fires
S Huč, T Hozjan, R Pečenko
Wood Science and Technology 57 (4), 929-944, 2023
Moisture-induced Strains and Stresses in Wood: Doctoral Thesis
S Huč
S. Huč, 2019
An analytical solution of the elastic concrete ring under restrained shrinkage, considering an interlayer slip
S Huč, T Hozjan, I Planinc
Acta Mechanica 232 (10), 3977-3996, 2021
Experimental and numerical investigation of restrained shrinkage of concrete
L Hanžič, J Karlovšek, T Hozjan, S Huč, Z Xu, I Planinc, JCM Ho
Construction materials for a sustainable future, 134-142, 2020
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