Lennart Malmskold
Cited by
Cited by
Current state of standardized work in automotive industry in Sweden
PEC Johansson, T Lezama, L Malmsköld, B Sjögren, LM Ahlström
Procedia CIRP 7, 151-156, 2013
Understanding the complex needs of automotive training at final assembly lines
S Hermawati, G Lawson, M D'Cruz, F Arlt, J Apold, L Andersson, ...
Applied ergonomics 46, 144-157, 2015
Challenges of handling assembly information in global manufacturing companies
PEC Johansson, L Malmsköld, Å Fast-Berglund, L Moestam
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 31 (5), 955-976, 2020
Assessment based information needs in manual assembly
PEC Johansson, G Eriksson, P Johansson, L Malmsköld, Å Fast-Berglund, ...
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on production research …, 2017
Enhancing future assembly information systems–putting theory into practice
PEC Johansson, L Malmsköld, Å Fast-Berglund, L Moestam
Procedia Manufacturing 17, 491-498, 2018
Instructor based training versus computer based training—A comparative study
L Malmsköld, R Örtengren, BE Carlson, P Nylen
Journal of Educational Technology Systems 35 (4), 457-478, 2007
Data and information handling in assembly information systems–a current state analysis
PEC Johansson, MO Enofe, M Schwarzkopf, L Malmsköld, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 11, 2099-2106, 2017
Training virtually virtual
L Malmsköld, R Örtengren, L Svensson
International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC) 5 (3), 29-34, 2012
University–industry collaboration in curriculum design and delivery: A model and its application in manufacturing engineering courses
MA Valiente Bermejo, M Eynian, L Malmsköld, A Scotti
Industry and Higher Education 36 (5), 615-622, 2022
E-learning Readiness and Absorptive Capacity in the Manufacturing Industry.
M Hattinger, K Eriksson, L Malmsköld, L Svensson
International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning 7 (3), 2014
Improved Quality Output through Computer‐Based Training: An Automotive Assembly Field Study
L Malmsköld, R Örtengren, L Svensson
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 25 (3 …, 2015
Virtual Training–towards a design framework
L Malmskold, R Ortengren, BE Carlson, L Svensson
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2007
Virtual Training-Preparatory Training in Automotive Assembly
L Malmsköld
Chalmers University of Technology, 2012
Preparatory virtual training of assembly operators: an explorative study of different learning models
L Malmsköld, R Örtengren, BE Carlson, L Svensson
Swedish Production Symposium (SPS) 2007, 2007
DHM in automotive manufacturing applications
D Lämkull, R Örtengren, L Malmsköld
Multimodal augmented reality and subtle guidance for industrial assembly–A survey and ideation method
N Tobisková, L Malmsköld, T Pederson
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 329-349, 2022
Digital human modeling automotive manufacturing applications
D Lämkull, R Örtengren, L Malmsköld, VG Duffy
Handbook of Digital Human Modeling. Taylor and Francis, USA, 42.1-42.17, 2009
Head-mounted augmented reality support for assemblers of wooden trusses
N Tobisková, L Malmsköld, T Pederson
Procedia CIRP 119, 134-139, 2023
Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Capable of Producing Innovative Environmentally Friendly and Safe Products
N Asnafi, S Hjelm, B Holmgren, L Malmsköld, M Granström, ...
R&D program proposal to secure competitive vehicle and powertrain production …, 2015
Augmented Reality for AI-driven Inspection?–A Comparative Usability Study
N Tobisková, ES Gull, S Janardhanan, T Pederson, L Malmsköld
Procedia CIRP 119, 734-739, 2023
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Articles 1–20