Agustín Camacho Guerrero
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Considerations for assessing maximum critical temperatures in small ectothermic animals: insights from leaf-cutting ants.
NCA Ribeiro P. L., Camacho A.
PLoS One 7 (2), e32083, 2012
Molecular phylogeny and morphometric analyses reveal deep divergence between Amazonia and Atlantic Forest species of Dendrophryniscus
A Fouquet, R Recoder, M Teixeira Jr, J Cassimiro, RC Amaro, A Camacho, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 62 (3), 826-838, 2012
Large‐scale DNA‐based survey of frogs in Amazonia suggests a vast underestimation of species richness and endemism
JP Vacher, J Chave, FG Ficetola, G Sommeria‐Klein, S Tao, C Thébaud, ...
Journal of Biogeography 47 (8), 1781-1791, 2020
Methods and pitfalls of measuring thermal preference and tolerance in lizards
A Camacho, TW Rusch
Journal of Thermal Biology 68, 63-72, 2017
Measuring behavioral thermal tolerance to address hot topics in ecology, evolution, and conservation
A Camacho, T Rusch, G Ray, RS Telemeco, MT Rodrigues, MJ Angilletta
Journal of thermal biology 73, 71-79, 2018
Climate change, extinction, and Sky Island biogeography in a montane lizard
JJ Wiens, A Camacho, A Goldberg, T Jezkova, ME Kaplan, SM Lambert, ...
Molecular ecology 28 (10), 2610-2624, 2019
Anfíbios da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins, região do Jalapão, Estados do Tocantins e Bahia
PH Valdujo, A Camacho, RS Recoder, M Teixeira Junior, JMB Ghellere, ...
Biota Neotropica 11, 251-261, 2011
Extreme operative temperatures are better descriptors of the thermal environment than mean temperatures
C Camacho, A. C. , Rodrigues, M. T., & Navas
Journal of Thermal Biology 49, 106-111, 2015
Répteis da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins, Brasil Central
RS Recoder, M Teixeira Junior, A Camacho, PMS Nunes, T Mott, ...
Biota Neotropica 11, 263-281, 2011
The relationship between limb reduction, body elongation and geographical range in lizards (Lerista, Scincidae)
A Lee, M. S., Skinner, A., & Camacho
Journal of Biogeography 40 (7), 1290-1297, 2013
A new species of the lizard genus Bachia (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) from the Cerrados of Central Brazil
MT Rodrigues, A Camacho, PMS Nunes, RS Recoder, M Teixeira Jr, ...
Zootaxa 1875 (1), 39-50, 2008
Natural history of the tropical gecko Phyllopezus pollicaris (Squamata, Phyllodactylidae) from a sandstone outcrop in Central Brazil
R Recoder, M Teixeira Junior, A Camacho, MT Rodrigues
Herpetology Notes 5, 49-58, 2012
Interaction of morphology, thermal physiology and burrowing performance during the evolution of fossoriality in Gymnophthalmini lizards.
MT Camacho, A., Pavão, R., Moreira, C. N., Pinto, A. C. B., Navas, C. A ...
Functional Ecology 29 (4), 515-521, 2015
Species diversity and biogeography of an ancient frog clade from the Guiana Shield (Anura: Microhylidae: Adelastes, Otophryne, Synapturanus) exhibiting …
A Fouquet, K Leblanc, M Framit, A Réjaud, MT Rodrigues, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 132 (2), 233-256, 2021
Phylogenetic analysis of standard metabolic rate of snakes: a new proposal for the understanding of interspecific variation in feeding behavior
DR Stuginski, CA Navas, FC de Barros, A Camacho, JEPW Bicudo, ...
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 188, 315-323, 2018
A new species of Bachia Gray, 1845 (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) from the Eastern Brazilian Cerrado, and data on its ecology, physiology and behavior
MT Teixeira-Jr, M., Recoder, R. S. Camacho, A., Sena, M., Navas,C, & Rodrigues
Zootaxa 3616 (2), 173-189, 2013
Reconquering the water: Evolution and systematics of South and Central American aquatic lizards (Gymnophthalmidae)
S Marques‐Souza, I Prates, A Fouquet, A Camacho, PJR Kok, ...
Zoologica Scripta 47 (3), 255-265, 2018
Effects of dehydration on thermoregulatory behavior and thermal tolerance limits of Rana catesbeiana ()
EC Guevara-Molina, FR Gomes, A Camacho
Journal of Thermal Biology 93, 102721, 2020
Passive restoration in biodiversity hotspots: consequences for an Atlantic rainforest lizard taxocene
AC Guerrero, PLB da Rocha
Biotropica 42 (3), 379-387, 2010
Non-random patterns of spider species composition in an Atlantic rainforest
CM Pinto-Leite, AC Guerrero, TK Brazil
The Journal of Arachnology 36 (2), 448-452, 2008
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Articles 1–20