Adrian Roșan
Adrian Roșan
Professor, PhD, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University
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Psihopedagogie specială. Modele de evaluare și intervenție
A Roșan
Elefant Online, 2016
Dragoste, familie și fericire: spre o sociologie a seninătății
P Iluț
Iași: polirom, 2015
The role of visual-spatial attention in reading development: a meta-analysis
L Gavril, A Roșan, Ș Szamosközi
Cognitive Neuropsychology 38 (6), 387-407, 2021
Elemente de psihopedagogie specială: cercetări fundamentale şi aplicative
R Preda, S Filipoi
Eikon, 2007
Tulburările de limbaj şi comunicare
C Bodea-Haţegan
Psihopedagogie specială. Modele de evaluare şi intervenţie. Bucureşti …, 2015
Psihopedagogie specială
A Roșan
Modele de evaluare și intervenție, 2015
Callous-unemotional traits and anxiety in a sample of detained adolescents in Romania
A Rosan, PJ Frick, KA Gottlieb, L Fasicaru
Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies 15 (1), 79, 2015
Assessing Visual Attention in Children Using GP3 Eye Tracker
C Costescu, A Rosan, N Brigitta, A Hathazi, A Kovari, J Katona, ...
International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) 1 …, 2019
Using eye-tracking to examine query syntax and method syntax comprehension in LINQ
J Katona, A Kovari, I Heldal, C Costescu, A Rosan, R Demeter, S Thill, ...
2020 11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2020
Measurement invariance of Alabama parenting questionnaire across age, gender, clinical status, and informant
IS Florean, A Dobrean, R Balazsi, A Roșan, CR Păsărelu, E Predescu, ...
Assessment 30 (3), 728-743, 2023
Associations between Callous-Unemotional Traits, Aggression and Psychopatology in Detained Adolescent Males
C Rosan, A, Costea Barlutiu
Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychoterapies 13 (2), 397-407, 2013
Violenţa juvenilă şcolară- teorie, prevenţie şi intervenţie integrativă
A Rosan
Presa Universitara Clujeana 1, 160, 2006
mStikk-A Mobile Application for Learning Phlebotomy
TH Frøland, E Ersvær, G Sjèholt, I Heldal, AH Frèyen, S Logeswaran, ...
2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2019
Comportamentul violent: screening şi strategii de intervenţie
A Roşan
Alma Mater, 2009
Social communication predictors in autism spectrum disorder. Theoretical review
C Costescu, D Pitariu, C David, A Rosan
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 13 (3), 20438087221106955, 2022
A quantitative study of using Cisco Packet Tracer simulation software to improve IT students’ creativity and outcomes
R Demeter, A Kovari, J Katona, I Heldal, C Costescu, A Rosan, A Hathazi, ...
2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2019
În căutare de principii
P Iluț
MintRight Inc, 2013
Educational tool for testing emotion recognition abilities in adolescents
C Costescu, A Rosan, A Hathazi, M Padure, B Nagy, J Katona, A Kovari, ...
The examination task of source-code debugging using GP3 eye tracker
J Katona, A Kovari, C Costescu, A Rosan, A Hathazi, I Heldal, C Helgesen, ...
2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2019
Examination of gaze fixations recorded during the trail making test
A Kovari, J Katona, I Heldal, C Helgesen, C Costescu, A Rosan, A Hathazi, ...
2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2019
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