Jaap van der Meer
Jaap van der Meer
Senior Scientist NIOZ, Professor Marine Population Ecology VU University Amsterdam
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New indices and calibrations derived from the distribution of crenarchaeal isoprenoid tetraether lipids: Implications for past sea surface temperature reconstructions
JH Kim, J Van der Meer, S Schouten, P Helmke, V Willmott, F Sangiorgi, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (16), 4639-4654, 2010
Revised calibration of the MBT–CBT paleotemperature proxy based on branched tetraether membrane lipids in surface soils
F Peterse, J van der Meer, S Schouten, JWH Weijers, N Fierer, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 96, 215-229, 2012
Hyperimmunoglobulinaemia D and periodic fever: a new syndrome
JWM Van Der Meer, J Radl, CJLM Meyer, JM Vossen, JA Van Nieuwkoop, ...
The Lancet 323 (8386), 1087-1090, 1984
Ontology-based knowledge management
D Fensel
Computer 35 (11), 56-59, 2002
An introduction to Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) models with special emphasis on parameter estimation
J van der Meer
Journal of sea research 56 (2), 85-102, 2006
The estimation of DEB parameters for various Northeast Atlantic bivalve species
HW van der Veer, JFMF Cardoso, J van der Meer
Journal of Sea Research 56 (2), 107-124, 2006
A sudden increase in factor VIII inhibitor development in multitransfused hemophilia A patients in The Netherlands. Dutch Hemophilia Study Group
FR Rosendaal, HK Nieuwenhuis, HM Van den Berg, H Heijboer, ...
Concentration-dependent changes of PCB patterns in fish-eating mammals: structural evidence for induction of cytochrome P450
JP Boon, J Van der Meer, CR Allchin, RJ Law, J Klungsøyr, ...
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 33, 298-311, 1997
Cadmium versus phosphate in the world ocean
HJW de Baar, PM Saager, RF Nolting, J van der Meer
Marine Chemistry 46 (3), 261-281, 1994
Variability in basal metabolic rate of a long-distance migrant shorebird (red knot, Calidris canutus) reflects shifts in organ sizes
T Piersma, L Bruinzeel, R Drent, M Kersten, J Van der Meer, P Wiersma
Physiological Zoology 69 (1), 191-217, 1996
The “covariation method” for estimating the parameters of the standard Dynamic Energy Budget model I: Philosophy and approach
K Lika, MR Kearney, V Freitas, HW van der Veer, J van der Meer, ...
Journal of Sea Research 66 (4), 270-277, 2011
Metabolic theories in ecology
J van der Meer
Trends in ecology & evolution 21 (3), 136-140, 2006
Mass mortality of common eiders (Somateria mollissima) in the Dutch Wadden Sea, winter 1999/2000: starvation in a commercially exploited wetland of international importance
CJ Camphuysen, CM Berrevoets, H Cremers, A Dekinga, R Dekker, ...
Biological conservation 106 (3), 303-317, 2002
Fever of unknown origin (FUO): II. Diagnostic procedures in a prospective multicenter study of 167 patients
EMHA de Kleijn, HJJ van Lier, JWM van der Meer, ...
Medicine 76 (6), 401-414, 1997
A model for the bioaccumulation of chlorobiphenyl congeners in marine mammals
JP Boon, I Oostingh, J van der Meer, MTJ Hillebrand
European Journal of Pharmacology: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology …, 1994
From food‐dependent statistics to metabolic parameters, a practical guide to the use of dynamic energy budget theory
S Kooijman, T Sousa, L Pecquerie, J Van der Meer, T Jager
Biological Reviews 83 (4), 533-552, 2008
Digestive bottleneck affects foraging decisions in red knots Calidris canutus. I. Prey choice
JA Van Gils, SR De Rooij, J Van Belle, J Van Der Meer, A Dekinga, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology, 105-119, 2005
Models of interference and their consequences for the spatial distribution of ideal and free predators
J Van Der Meer, BJ Ens
Journal of Animal Ecology, 846-858, 1997
Distinctly variable mudscapes: distribution gradients of intertidal macrofauna across the Dutch Wadden Sea
TJ Compton, S Holthuijsen, A Koolhaas, A Dekinga, J ten Horn, J Smith, ...
Journal of Sea Research 82, 103-116, 2013
Holling's functional response model as a tool to link the food-finding mechanism of a probing shorebird with its spatial distribution
T Piersma, J Van Gils, P De Goeij, J Van Der Meer
Journal of Animal Ecology, 493-504, 1995
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Articles 1–20