Samuel J. Clark
Samuel J. Clark
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
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Cited by
Keyhole fluctuation and pore formation mechanisms during laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
Y Huang, TG Fleming, SJ Clark, S Marussi, K Fezzaa, J Thiyagalingam, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1170, 2022
Machine learning–aided real-time detection of keyhole pore generation in laser powder bed fusion
Z Ren, L Gao, SJ Clark, K Fezzaa, P Shevchenko, A Choi, W Everhart, ...
Science 379 (6627), 89-94, 2023
In-situ Synchrotron imaging of keyhole mode multi-layer laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
Y Chen, SJ Clark, CLA Leung, L Sinclair, S Marussi, MP Olbinado, ...
Applied Materials Today 20, 100650, 2020
Correlative synchrotron X-ray imaging and diffraction of directed energy deposition additive manufacturing
Y Chen, SJ Clark, DM Collins, S Marussi, SA Hunt, DM Fenech, ...
Acta Materialia 209, 116777, 2021
In situ radiographic and ex situ tomographic analysis of pore interactions during multilayer builds in laser powder bed fusion
L Sinclair, CLA Leung, S Marussi, SJ Clark, Y Chen, MP Olbinado, A Rack, ...
Additive Manufacturing 36, 101512, 2020
Investigating nano-precipitation in a V-containing HSLA steel using small angle neutron scattering
YQ Wang, SJ Clark, V Janik, RK Heenan, DA Venero, K Yan, ...
Acta Materialia 145, 84-96, 2018
Synchrotron X-ray imaging of directed energy deposition additive manufacturing of titanium alloy Ti-6242
Y Chen, SJ Clark, L Sinclair, CLA Leung, S Marussi, T Connolley, ...
Additive Manufacturing 41, 101969, 2021
In situ X-ray quantification of melt pool behaviour during directed energy deposition additive manufacturing of stainless steel
Y Chen, SJ Clark, Y Huang, L Sinclair, CLA Leung, S Marussi, ...
Materials Letters 286, 129205, 2021
A novel approach for interpreting the solidification behaviour of peritectic steels by combining CSLM and DSC
K Hechu, C Slater, B Santillana, S Clark, S Sridhar
Materials Characterization 133, 25-32, 2017
Modelling the complex evaporated gas flow and its impact on particle spattering during laser powder bed fusion
J Jakumeit, G Zheng, R Laqua, SJ Clark, J Zielinski, JH Schleifenbaum, ...
Additive Manufacturing 47, 102332, 2021
Mitigating keyhole pore formation by nanoparticles during laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
M Qu, Q Guo, LI Escano, SJ Clark, K Fezzaa, L Chen
Additive Manufacturing Letters 3, 100068, 2022
Capturing Marangoni flow via synchrotron imaging of selective laser melting
SJ Clark, CLA Leung, Y Chen, L Sinclair, S Marussi, PD Lee
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 861 (1), 012010, 2020
Analysis of the extent of interphase precipitation in V-HSLA steels through in-situ characterization of the γ/α transformation
S Clark, V Janik, A Rijkenberg, S Sridhar
Materials Characterization 115, 83-89, 2016
Nano-mechanical properties of Fe-Mn-Al-C lightweight steels
A Rahnama, H Kotadia, S Clark, V Janik, S Sridhar
Scientific reports 8 (1), 9065, 2018
Machine learning for predicting occurrence of interphase precipitation in HSLA steels
A Rahnama, S Clark, S Sridhar
Computational Materials Science 154, 169-177, 2018
Achieving homogeneity in a high-Fe β-Ti alloy laser-printed from blended elemental powders
FF Ahmed, SJ Clark, CLA Leung, L Stanger, J Willmott, S Marussi, ...
Materials & Design 210, 110072, 2021
Melt pool morphology in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing process
Y Chen, S Clark, ACL Leung, L Sinclair, S Marussi, R Atwood, T Connoley, ...
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 861 (1), 012012, 2020
High frequency beam oscillation keyhole dynamics in laser melting revealed by in-situ x-ray imaging
Z Wu, G Tang, SJ Clark, A Meshkov, S Roychowdhury, B Gould, ...
Communications Materials 4 (1), 5, 2023
Sinter formation during directed energy deposition of titanium alloy powders
L Sinclair, SJ Clark, Y Chen, S Marussi, S Shah, OV Magdysyuk, ...
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 176, 103887, 2022
An electron beam melting system for in-situ synchrotron X-ray monitoring
LI Escano, SJ Clark, AC Chuang, J Yuan, Q Guo, M Qu, W Dong, X Zhang, ...
Additive Manufacturing Letters 3, 100094, 2022
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Articles 1–20