Pablo del Moral
Pablo del Moral
PhD student at Halmstad University
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Cited by
Why is multiclass classification hard?
P Del Moral, S Nowaczyk, S Pashami
IEEE Access 10, 80448-80462, 2022
Pitfalls of assessing extracted hierarchies for multi-class classification
P Del Moral, S Nowaczyk, A Sant’Anna, S Pashami
Pattern Recognition 136, 109225, 2023
Investigation into reducing anthropomorphic hand degrees of freedom while maintaining human hand grasping functions
M Zarzoura, P del Moral, MI Awad, FA Tolbah
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 2019
Stacking ensembles of heterogenous classifiers for fault detection in evolving environments
MG Altarabichi, P Mashhadi, Y Fan, S Pashami, S Nowaczyk, P Moral, ...
30th european safety and reliability conference, esrel 2020 and 15th …, 2020
Hierarchical Multi-class Classification for Fault Diagnosis
P Del Moral, S Nowaczyk, S Pashami
Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL …, 2021
Filtering Misleading Repair Log Labels to Improve Predictive Maintenance Models
P Del Moral, S Nowaczyk, S Pashami
PHM Society European Conference 7 (1), 110-117, 2022
Hierarchical multi-fault prognostics for complex systems
P Del Moral, S Nowaczyk, S Pashami
Hierarchical Multi-Fault Prognostics for Complex Systems
PJ Del Moral Pastor, S Nowaczyk, S Pashami
Available at SSRN 4127235, 0
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Articles 1–8