Peter Burek
Peter Burek
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Cited by
Global terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climate change
Y Pokhrel, F Felfelani, Y Satoh, J Boulange, P Burek, A Gädeke, D Gerten, ...
Nature Climate Change 11 (3), 226-233, 2021
Global warming increases the frequency of river floods in Europe
L Alfieri, P Burek, L Feyen, G Forzieri
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (5), 2247-2260, 2015
GloFAS–global ensemble streamflow forecasting and flood early warning
L Alfieri, P Burek, E Dutra, B Krzeminski, D Muraro, J Thielen, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (3), 1161-1175, 2013
Modeling global water use for the 21st century: The Water Futures and Solutions (WFaS) initiative and its approaches
Y Wada, M Flörke, N Hanasaki, S Eisner, G Fischer, S Tramberend, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (1), 175-222, 2016
Global assessment of water challenges under uncertainty in water scarcity projections
P Greve, T Kahil, J Mochizuki, T Schinko, Y Satoh, P Burek, G Fischer, ...
Nature Sustainability 1 (9), 486-494, 2018
Hyper-resolution global hydrological modelling: what is next?
MFP Bierkens, VA Bell, P Burek, N Chaney, LE Condon, CH David, A Roo, ...
Hydrological processes 29 (2), 2015
South-to-North Water Diversion stabilizing Beijing’s groundwater levels
D Long, W Yang, BR Scanlon, J Zhao, D Liu, P Burek, Y Pan, L You, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 3665, 2020
Global exposure and vulnerability to multi-sector development and climate change hotspots
E Byers, M Gidden, D Leclère, J Balkovic, P Burek, K Ebi, P Greve, D Grey, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (5), 055012, 2018
Water futures and solution: fast track initiative (final report)
P Burek, Y Satoh, G Fischer, MT Kahil, A Scherzer, S Tramberend, ...
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, 2016
Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity. The GLOBAQUA project
A Navarro-Ortega, V Acuna, A Bellin, P Burek, G Cassiani, ...
Science of the Total Environment 503, 3-9, 2015
Water futures and solution-fast track initiative
P Burek, Y Satoh, G Fischer, MT Kahil, A Scherzer, S Tramberend, ...
WP-16-006, 2016
The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought under climate change
Y Satoh, K Yoshimura, Y Pokhrel, H Kim, H Shiogama, T Yokohata, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 3287, 2022
Development of the Community Water Model (CWatM v1. 04) A high-resolution hydrological model for global and regional assessment of integrated water resources management
P Burek, Y Satoh, T Kahil, T Tang, P Greve, M Smilovic, L Guillaumot, ...
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2019, 1-49, 2019
The impact of lake and reservoir parameterization on global streamflow simulation
Z Zajac, B Revilla-Romero, P Salamon, P Burek, FA Hirpa, H Beck
Journal of hydrology 548, 552-568, 2017
Technologies to support community flood disaster risk reduction
I McCallum, W Liu, L See, R Mechler, A Keating, S Hochrainer-Stigler, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 7, 198-204, 2016
Assimilation of MODIS snow cover area data in a distributed hydrological model using the particle filter
G Thirel, P Salamon, P Burek, M Kalas
Remote Sensing 5 (11), 5825-5850, 2013
Uncertainty of simulated groundwater recharge at different global warming levels: a global-scale multi-model ensemble study
R Reinecke, H Müller Schmied, T Trautmann, LS Andersen, P Burek, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (2), 787-810, 2021
Modelling the socio-economic impact of river floods in Europe
L Alfieri, L Feyen, P Salamon, J Thielen, A Bianchi, F Dottori, P Burek
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (6), 1401-1411, 2016
Modeling global water use for the 21st century: the Water Futures and Solutions (WFaS) initiative and its approaches, Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 175–222
Y Wada, M Flörke, N Hanasaki, S Eisner, G Fischer, S Tramberend, ...
Excess nutrient loads to Lake Taihu: Opportunities for nutrient reduction
M Wang, M Strokal, P Burek, C Kroeze, L Ma, ABG Janssen
Science of the Total Environment 664, 865-873, 2019
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Articles 1–20