Fredrik Nilsson
Fredrik Nilsson
Verifierad e-postadress på dtu.dk
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When strong correlations become weak: Consistent merging of and DMFT
L Boehnke, F Nilsson, F Aryasetiawan, P Werner
Physical Review B 94 (20), 201106, 2016
Multitier self-consistent
F Nilsson, L Boehnke, P Werner, F Aryasetiawan
Physical Review Materials 1 (4), 043803, 2017
Normal State of from Self-Consistent
F Petocchi, V Christiansson, F Nilsson, F Aryasetiawan, P Werner
Physical Review X 10 (4), 041047, 2020
GPAW: An open Python package for electronic structure calculations
JJ Mortensen, AH Larsen, M Kuisma, AV Ivanov, A Taghizadeh, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (9), 2024
Dynamical screening in La 2 CuO 4
P Werner, R Sakuma, F Nilsson, F Aryasetiawan
Physical Review B 91 (12), 125142, 2015
Ab initio calculations of the Hubbard for the early lanthanides using the constrained random-phase approximation
F Nilsson, R Sakuma, F Aryasetiawan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (12), 125123, 2013
Screening from states and antiferromagnetic correlations in perovskites: A investigation
F Petocchi, F Nilsson, F Aryasetiawan, P Werner
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013191, 2020
Dynamically screened Coulomb interaction in the parent compounds of hole-doped cuprates: Trends and exceptions
F Nilsson, K Karlsson, F Aryasetiawan
Physical Review B 99 (7), 075135, 2019
Recent Progress in First-Principles Methods for Computing the Electronic Structure of Correlated Materials
F Nilsson, F Aryasetiawan
Computation 6 (1), 26, 2018
Electronic structure of strongly correlated materials: from one-particle to many-body theory
F Nilsson, F Aryasetiawan
Materials Research Express 4, 034001, 2017
Downfolding methods in many-electron theory
F Aryasetiawan, F Nilsson
AIP Publishing, 2022
Effects of dynamical screening on the BCS-BEC crossover in double bilayer graphene: Density functional theory for exciton bilayers
F Nilsson, F Aryasetiawan
Physical Review Materials 5 (5), L050801, 2021
High-throughput search for triplet point defects with narrow emission lines in 2D materials
S Ali, FA Nilsson, S Manti, F Bertoldo, JJ Mortensen, KS Thygesen
ACS nano, 2023
Excitonic Insulators and Superfluidity in Two-Dimensional Bilayers without External Fields
F Nilsson, M Kuisma, S Pakdel, KS Thygesen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (9), 2277-2283, 2023
Electron energy loss spectra and exciton band structure of monolayers studied by ab initio Bethe-Salpeter equation calculations
YC Shih, FA Nilsson, GY Guo
Physical Review B 110 (20), 205417, 2024
Position representation of effective electron-electron interactions in solids
TJ Sjöstrand, F Nilsson, C Friedrich, F Aryasetiawan
Physical Review B 99 (19), 195136, 2019
Unifying first-principles and model approaches for strongly correlated materials: Interplay between long- and short-range correlations
F Nilsson
Department of Physics, Lund University, 2019
Exciton superfluidity in two-dimensional heterostructures from first principles: Importance of material-specific screening
R Højlund, E Grovn, S Pakdel, KS Thygesen, F Nilsson
Physical Review B 108 (1), 014506, 2023
The GW Approximation
F Aryasetiawan, F Nilsson
Downfolding Methods in Many-Electron Theory, 4-1-4-38, 2022
Density Functional Theory
F Aryasetiawan, F Nilsson
Downfolding Methods in Many-Electron Theory, 2-1-2-16, 2022
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