Ricardo Labarta
Ricardo Labarta
Principal Scientist CGIAR Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA)
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Evaluating cover crops for benefits, costs and performance within cropping system niches
SS Snapp, SM Swinton, R Labarta, D Mutch, JR Black, R Leep, ...
Agronomy journal 97 (1), 322-332, 2005
Adoption of agricultural technology in the developing world: A meta-analysis of the empirical literature
S Ruzzante, R Labarta, A Bilton
World Development 146, 105599, 2021
Slash-and-burn agriculture: the search for alternatives
C Palm, SA Vosti, PA Sanchez, PJ Ericksen
Columbia University Press, 2005
Diversifying food and diets
J Fanzo, D Hunter, T Borelli, F Mattei
Routledge, 2013
Crop improvement, adoption and impact of improved varieties in food crops in sub-Saharan Africa
TS Walker, J Alwang
Cabi, 2015
Unleashing the potential of sweetpotato in Sub-Saharan Africa.: Current challenges and way forward.
M Andrade, I Barker, D Cole, S Fuentes, W Gruneberg, R Kapinga, ...
International Potato Center, 2009
Cassava breeding and agronomy in Asia: 50 years of history and future directions
AI Malik, P Kongsil, VA Nguyễn, W Ou, P Srean, LAB López-Lavalle, ...
Breeding Science 70 (2), 145-166, 2020
Technology adoption by resource-poor farmers: considering the implications of peak-season labor costs
DS White, RA Labarta, EJ Leguía
Agricultural Systems 85 (2), 183-201, 2005
Reaching and Engaging End Users (REU) Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) in East and Southern Africa
M Arimond, AM Ball, A Bechoff, D Bosch, H Bouis, A de Brauw, ...
HarvestPlus: Washington, DC, USA, 2010
Measuring the effectiveness of crop improvement research in sub-Saharan Africa from the perspectives of varietal output, adoption, and change: 20 crops, 30 countries, and 1150 …
T Walker, A Alene, J Ndjeunga, R Labarta, Y Yigezu, A Diagne, ...
Rome: CGIAR Independent Science and Partnership Council Secretariat, 2014
Adoption and impacts of international rice research technologies
T Yamano, A Arouna, RA Labarta, ZM Huelgas, S Mohanty
Global Food Security 8, 1-8, 2016
16 impacts of improved bean varieties on poverty and food security in Uganda and Rwanda
C Larochelle, J Alwang, GW Norton, E Katungi, RA Labarta
Crop Improvement, Adoption, and Impact of Improved Varieties in Food Crops …, 2015
Measuring the effectiveness of agricultural R&D in sub-Saharan Africa from the perspectives of varietal output and adoption
A. Alene, Y Yigezu, J Ndjeunga, R Labarta, R Andrade, A Diagne, R Muthoni, F ...
Agricultural R&D: Investing in Africa's Future 7 (ASTI/IFPRI - FARA …, 2011
Can global environmental markets help to control tropical deforestation? Evidence from the Peruvian Amazon
J Smith, S Mourato, E Veneklaas, R Labarta, K Reategui, G Sánchez
First World Congress on Environmental and Resource Economics, Italia, 1998
Household determinants of the adoption of improved cassava varieties using DNA fingerprinting to identify varieties in farmer fields: a case study in Colombia
VO Floro IV, RA Labarta, LA Becerra López‐Lavalle, JM Martinez, ...
Journal of Agricultural Economics 69 (2), 518-536, 2018
Identifying crop research priorities based on potential economic and poverty reduction impacts: The case of cassava in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
AD Alene, T Abdoulaye, J Rusike, R Labarta, B Creamer, M Del Río, ...
PLoS One 13 (8), e0201803, 2018
19 Varietal Adoption, Outcomes and Impact
TS Walker, J Alwang, A Alene, J Ndjuenga, R Labarta, Y Yigezu, ...
Crop improvement, adoption and impact of improved varieties in food crops in …, 2015
A scoping review of feed interventions and livelihoods of small-scale livestock keepers
I Baltenweck, D Cherney, A Duncan, E Eldermire, ET Lwoga, R Labarta, ...
Nature Plants 6 (10), 1242-1249, 2020
Assessing the Adoption of High-Iron Bean Varieties and Their Impact on Iron Intakes and Other Livelihood Outcomes in Rwanda
D Asare-Marfo, C Herrington, E Birachi, E Birol, K Cook, MT Diressie, ...
Tree domestication in the Peruvian Amazon Basin: working with farmers for community development
J Weber, C Sotelo-Montes, R Labarta-Chávarri
Agroforestry Today (ICRAF), 1997
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