Tim Hohm
Tim Hohm
Optibrium Limited
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Mirrored sampling and sequential selection for evolution strategies
D Brockhoff, A Auger, N Hansen, DV Arnold, T Hohm
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN XI: 11th International Conference …, 2010
Phototropism: translating light into directional growth
T Hohm, T Preuten, C Fankhauser
American journal of botany 100 (1), 47-59, 2013
Plasma membrane H+‐ATPase regulation is required for auxin gradient formation preceding phototropic growth
T Hohm, E Demarsy, C Quan, L Allenbach Petrolati, T Preuten, T Vernoux, ...
Molecular systems biology 10 (9), 751, 2014
Defining the site of light perception and initiation of phototropism in Arabidopsis
T Preuten, T Hohm, S Bergmann, C Fankhauser
Current Biology 23 (19), 1934-1938, 2013
A Dynamic Model for Stem Cell Homeostasis and Patterning in Arabidopsis Meristems
T Hohm, E Zitzler, R Simon
PLoS One 5 (2), e9189, 2010
Evolutionary Pareto-optimization of stably folding peptides
W Gronwald, T Hohm, D Hoffmann
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-13, 2008
A multiobjective evolutionary method for the design of peptidic mimotopes
T Hohm, P Limbourg, D Hoffmann
Journal of Computational Biology 13 (1), 113-125, 2006
Investigating coverage and connectivity trade-offs in wireless sensor networks: The benefits of MOEAs
M Woehrle, D Brockhoff, T Hohm, S Bleuler
Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Energy and Transportation …, 2010
Multiobjectivization for parameter estimation: a case-study on the segment polarity network of drosophila
T Hohm, E Zitzler
Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2009
Multicellular pattern formation
T Hohm, E Zitzler
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 28 (4), 52-57, 2009
Modeling the Shoot Apical Meristem in A. thaliana: Parameter Estimation for Spatial Pattern Formation
T Hohm, E Zitzler
European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data …, 2007
Investigating Coverage and Connectivity Trade-offs in Wireless Sensor Networks: The Benefits of MOEAs. TIK Report 294
M Woehrle, D Brockhoff, T Hohm, S Bleuler
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zurich, 2008
A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for numerical parameter space characterization of reaction diffusion systems
T Hohm, E Zitzler
Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics: 4th IAPR International Conference …, 2009
A multi-objective evolutionary approach to peptide structure redesign and stabilization
T Hohm, D Hoffmann
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
A hierarchical approach to model parameter optimization for developmental systems
T Hohm, E Zitzler
BioSystems 102 (2-3), 157-167, 2010
An Evolutionary Algorithm for the Block Stacking Problem
T Hohm, M Egli, S Gaehwiler, S Bleuler, J Feller, D Frick, R Huber, ...
Artificial Evolution: 8th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle …, 2008
Modeling of gene regulative networks in developmental systems
T Hohm
TIK-Schriftenreihe 111, 2009
Supplementary Material to EMBM Paper:” Multicellular Pattern Formation: Parameter Estimation for ODE-based Gene Regulatory Network Models”
T Hohm, E Zitzler
Optimierung von Peptidsequenzen mittels multikriterieller Heuristiken Berechnung der Peptidfaltung in
T Hohm, P Limbourg
Plasma membrane H⁺-ATPase regulation is required for auxin
T Hohm, E Demarsy, C Quan, L Allenbach Petrolati, T Preuten, T Vernoux, ...
Molecular systems biology 10, 751, 0
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