Linda Weidenstedt
Linda Weidenstedt
The Ratio Institute & Department of Sociology, Stockholm University
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From tolerance to respect in inter-ethnic contexts
W Schirmer, L Weidenstedt, W Reich
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 38 (7), 1049-1065, 2012
Empowerment gone bad: Communicative consequences of power transfers
L Weidenstedt
Socius 2, 2378023116672869, 2016
Respect and agency: An empirical exploration
W Schirmer, L Weidenstedt, W Reich
Current Sociology 61 (1), 57-75, 2013
Working from home during lockdown: The association between rest breaks and well-being
M Cropley, L Weidenstedt, B Leick, S Sütterlin
Ergonomics 66 (4), 443-453, 2023
12 punkter om distansarbete efter Covid-19
S Allstrin, J Grafström, C Stern, L Weidenstedt
Ratio, 2021
A sociology of empowerment: The relevance of communicative contexts for workplace change
L Weidenstedt
Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, 2017
Employee Empowerment and Paternalism
L Weidenstedt
Management Revue 31 (4), 444-464, 2020
Managing Work from Anywhere: Six Points to Consider for HR Professionals
S Allstrin, J Grafström, L Stern, L Weidenstedt
Ratio, Näringslivets Forskningsinstitut, 2022
Varför gigga som matkurir? Förutsättningar och förväntningar bakom okvalificerat gig-arbete
L Weidenstedt, A Geissinger, M Lougui
Ratio, 2020
Betwixt and between: Triple liminality and liminal agency in the Swedish gig economy
L Weidenstedt, A Geissinger, B Leick, N Nazeer
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 56 (4), 1280-1297, 2024
Managers on balancing employment protection and what’s good for the company: Intended and unintended consequences of a semi-coercive institution
C Stern, L Weidenstedt
Economic and Industrial Democracy 43 (3), 1281-1304, 2022
Varför gigga som matkurir
L Weidenstedt, A Geissinger, M Lougui
Förutsättningar och förväntningar bakom okvalificerat gig-arbete, 2020
Anställningsskyddets avsedda och oavsedda konsekvenser: Företagarnas perspektiv
L Stern, L Weidenstedt, G Sideras
Ratio, 2019
Does One Size Fit All? Investigating Different Empowerment Orientations in the Heterogeneous Workforce of the Swedish Retail Sector
L Weidenstedt
Broken commitments and unfulfilled expectations: An explorative study of Swedish Labor Court cases
C Stern, L Weidenstedt
Ratio Working Papers, 2020
Balancing employment protection and what’s good for the company-Intended and un-intended consequences of a semi-coercive institution
C Stern, L Weidenstedt
Ratio Working Papers, 2020
It Takes Two to Empower: The Communicative Context of Empowerment Change in the Workplace
L Weidenstedt
Ratio Working Papers, 2017
Delkursbeskrivning för kursen Organisation och arbete, vårterminen 2025, 7, 5 hp
T Florén, L Weidenstedt
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