Ana Filipa Moutinho
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of protein architecture on adaptive evolution
AF Moutinho, FF Trancoso, JY Dutheil
Molecular Biology and Evolution 36 (9), 2013–2028, 2019
Variation of the adaptive substitution rate between species and within genomes
AF Moutinho, T Bataillon, JY Dutheil
Evolutionary Ecology 34 (3), 315-338, 2020
Strong evidence for the adaptive walk model of gene evolution in Drosophila and Arabidopsis
AF Moutinho, A Eyre-Walker, JY Dutheil
PLoS biology 20 (9), e3001775, 2022
Exposure to environmental radionuclides alters mitochondrial DNA maintenance in a wild rodent
J Kesäniemi, A Lavrinienko, E Tukalenko, AF Moutinho, T Mappes, ...
Evolutionary Ecology 34, 163-174, 2020
Evolutionary history of two cryptic species of northern African jerboas
AF Moutinho, N Serén, J Paupério, TL Silva, F Martínez-Freiría, G Sotelo, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 20, 1-16, 2020
Winter breeding of the Lesser Egyptian Jerboa Jaculus jaculus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Southern Morocco
F Moutinho, A Qninba, A Harrington, K Forbes, N Sérén, T Mappes, ...
Go-South Bulletin 12, 24-27, 2015
A population genomics lexicon
GV Barroso, AF Moutinho, JY Dutheil
Statistical population genomics, 3-17, 2020
Testing the adaptive walk model of gene evolution
AF Moutinho, A Eyre-Walker, JY Dutheil
BioRxiv, 2021.04. 28.441765, 2021
Changing Population Size in McDonald–Kreitman Style Analyses: Artifactual Correlations and Adaptive Evolution between Humans and Chimpanzees
V Soni, AF Moutinho, A Eyre-Walker
Genome Biology and Evolution 14 (2), evac022, 2022
Site level factors that affect the rate of adaptive evolution in humans and chimpanzees; the effect of contracting population size
V Soni, AF Moutinho, A Eyre-Walker
BioRxiv, 2021.05. 28.446098, 2021
The silent impact: codon usage bias and protein evolution in bacteria
AF Moutinho, A Eyre-Walker
BioRxiv, 2022.07. 07.499116, 2022
No evidence that selection on synonymous codon usage affects patterns of protein evolution in bacteria
AF Moutinho, A Eyre-Walker
Genome Biology and Evolution 16 (2), evad232, 2024
A short 3’UTR motif regulates gene expression in bilaterians
A Eufrasio, J Azevedo, J Machado, A Ferreira, A Moutinho, F Henriques, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.11. 15.567165, 2023
Unravelling the determinants of the rate of adaptive evolution at the molecular level
AF Moutinho
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, 2020
Evolutionary History of the Lesser Egyptian Jerboa, Jaculus Jaculus, in Northern Africa Using a Multi-Locus Approach
AF da Silva Moutinho
PQDT-Global, 2016
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Articles 1–15