David A. Raitzer
David A. Raitzer
Economist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
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Flood-tolerant rice reduces yield variability and raises expected yield, differentially benefitting socially disadvantaged groups
MH Dar, A De Janvry, K Emerick, D Raitzer, E Sadoulet
Scientific reports 3 (1), 3315, 2013
Benefit–cost meta-analysis of investment in the International Agricultural Research Centers of the CGIAR
DA Raitzer, TG Kelley
Agricultural Systems 96 (1-3), 108-123, 2008
Impact Evaluation of Development Interventions: A Practical Guide
H White, D Raitzer …, 2017
CGIAR and NARS partner research in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence of impact to date
MK Maredia, DA Raitzer
Science Council Secretariat, 2006
Southeast Asia and the economics of global climate stabilization
DA Raitzer, F Bosello, M Tavoni, C Orecchia, G Marangoni, JNG Samson
Asian Development Bank, 2015
Myanmar's agriculture sector: unlocking the potential for inclusive growth
D Raitzer, LCY Wong, JN Samson
Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series, 2015
Contingent valuation of nonmarket benefits in project economic analysis: a guide to good practice
AJ Sajise, JN Samson, L Quiao, J Sibal, DA Raitzer, D Harder
Asian Development Bank, 2021
Estimating overall returns to international agricultural research in Africa through benefit‐cost analysis: a “best‐evidence” approach
MK Maredia, DA Raitzer
Agricultural Economics 41 (1), 81-100, 2010
Review and analysis of documented patterns of agricultural research impacts in Southeast Asia
MK Maredia, DA Raitzer
Agricultural Systems 106 (1), 46-58, 2012
Assessing the impact of CIFOR's influence on policy and practice in the Indonesian pulp and paper sector
DA Raitzer
CIFOR, 2008
State of the art in impact assessment of policy-oriented international agricultural research
DA Raitzer, JG Ryan
Evidence & Policy 4 (1), 5-30, 2008
Assessing the contribution of impact assessment to donor decisions for international agricultural research
DA Raitzer, TG Kelley
Research Evaluation 17 (3), 187-199, 2008
Review of the Returns to ACIAR's Bilateral R&D Investments
DA Raltzer, RK Lindner
COVID‐19 disparities by gender and income: Evidence from the Philippines
RF Lavado, K Nowacka, DA Raitzer, YM Rodgers, JE Zveglich Jr
International labour review 161 (1), 107-123, 2022
What works to control COVID-19? Econometric analysis of a cross-country panel
L Chen, D Raitzer, R Hasan, R Lavado, O Velarde
Econometric Analysis of a Cross-Country Panel (December 4, 2020). Asian …, 2020
Achieving environmental sustainability in Myanmar
D Raitzer, JN Samson, KY Nam
Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series, 2015
Is rice improvement still making a difference
DA Raitzer, AH Sparks, Z Huelgas, R Maligalig, Z Balangue, C Launio, ...
Assessing the economic, poverty and food security impacts of rice varieties …, 1989
Impact evaluation of transport interventions: A review of the evidence
DA Raitzer, N Blöndal, J Sibal
Asian Development Bank, 2019
Analysis of agricultural research investment priorities for sustainable poverty reduction in Southeast Asia
DA Raitzer, MK Maredia
Food Policy 37 (4), 412-426, 2012
Prioritizing agricultural research for development: experiences and lessons.
DA Raitzer, GW Norton
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