Jan Nordström
Jan Nordström
Professor in Scientific Computing, Linköping University and University of Johannesburg
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Cited by
A stable and conservative interface treatment of arbitrary spatial accuracy
MH Carpenter, J Nordström, D Gottlieb
Journal of Computational Physics 148 (2), 341-365, 1999
Review of summation-by-parts schemes for initial–boundary-value problems
M Svärd, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 268, 17-38, 2014
Summation by parts operators for finite difference approximations of second derivatives
K Mattsson, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 199 (2), 503-540, 2004
A stable high-order finite difference scheme for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations, far-field boundary conditions
M Svärd, MH Carpenter, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (1), 1020-1038, 2007
The fringe region technique and the Fourier method used in the direct numerical simulation of spatially evolving viscous flows
J Nordström, N Nordin, D Henningson
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 20 (4), 1365-1393, 1999
On the order of accuracy for difference approximations of initial-boundary value problems
M Svärd, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 218 (1), 333-352, 2006
Boundary and interface conditions for high-order finite-difference methods applied to the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations
J Nordström, MH Carpenter
Journal of Computational Physics 148 (2), 621-645, 1999
Stable and accurate artificial dissipation
K Mattsson, M Svärd, J Nordström
Journal of Scientific Computing 21, 57-79, 2004
Discretely conservative finite-difference formulations for nonlinear conservation laws in split form: Theory and boundary conditions
TC Fisher, MH Carpenter, J Nordström, NK Yamaleev, C Swanson
Journal of Computational Physics 234, 353-375, 2013
A stable high-order finite difference scheme for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations: no-slip wall boundary conditions
M Svärd, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (10), 4805-4824, 2008
High-order finite difference methods, multidimensional linear problems, and curvilinear coordinates
J Nordström, MH Carpenter
Journal of Computational Physics 173 (1), 149-174, 2001
A stable and conservative high order multi-block method for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations
J Nordström, J Gong, E Van der Weide, M Svärd
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (24), 9020-9035, 2009
Well-posed boundary conditions for the Navier--Stokes equations
J Nordström, M Svärd
SIAM Journal on numerical analysis 43 (3), 1231-1255, 2005
Conservative finite difference formulations, variable coefficients, energy estimates and artificial dissipation
J Nordström
Journal of Scientific Computing 29, 375-404, 2006
Finite volume methods, unstructured meshes and strict stability for hyperbolic problems
J Nordström, K Forsberg, C Adamsson, P Eliasson
Applied Numerical Mathematics 45 (4), 453-473, 2003
Simulation of dynamic earthquake ruptures in complex geometries using high-order finite difference methods
JE Kozdon, EM Dunham, J Nordström
Journal of Scientific Computing 55, 92-124, 2013
Polynomial chaos methods for hyperbolic partial differential equations
MP Pettersson, G Iaccarino, J Nordstrom
Springer Math Eng 10 (1007), 978-973, 2015
Summation-by-parts in time
J Nordström, T Lundquist
Journal of Computational Physics 251, 487-499, 2013
Revisiting and extending interface penalties for multi-domain summation-by-parts operators
MH Carpenter, J Nordström, D Gottlieb
Journal of Scientific Computing 45, 118-150, 2010
A roadmap to well posed and stable problems in computational physics
J Nordström
Journal of Scientific Computing 71 (1), 365-385, 2017
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Articles 1–20