Mikael Karlsson
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Cited by
Aeroacoustics of T-junctions—an experimental investigation
M Karlsson, M Åbom
Journal of Sound and Vibration 329 (10), 1793-1808, 2010
Investigation on uniformity indices used for diesel exhaust aftertreatment systems
Å Johansson, U Wallin, M Karlsson, A Isaksson, P Bush
SAE Technical Paper, 2008
On the use of linear acoustic multiports to predict whistling in confined flows
M Karlsson, M Åbom
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 97 (1), 24-33, 2011
Aeroacoustics of rectangular t-junctions subject to combined grazing and bias flows–an experimental investigation
A Holmberg, M Karlsson, M Åbom
Journal of Sound and vibration 340, 152-166, 2015
The Herschel–Quincke tube: The attenuation conditions and their sensitivity to mean flow
M Karlsson, R Glav, M Åbom
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124 (2), 723-732, 2008
A combined 3D/lumped modeling approach to ammonia SCR after-treatment systems: application to mixer designs
M Karlsson, U Wallin, S Fredholm, J Jansson, GO Wahlström, CM Schär, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2006
A note on the applicability of thermo-acoustic engines for automotive waste heat recovery
M Karlsson, M Åbom, M Lalit, R Glav
SAE International Journal of materials and manufacturing 9 (2), 286-293, 2016
Sound amplification at a rectangular t-junction with merging mean flows
L Du, A Holmberg, M Karlsson, M Åbom
Journal of Sound and Vibration 367, 69-83, 2016
Experimental determination of the aero-acoustic properties of an in-duct flexible plate
M Karlsson, A Holmberg, M Åbom, B Fallenius, J Fransson
14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (29th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference …, 2008
Installation effects on the flow generated noise from automotive electrical cooling fans
M Karlsson, S Etemad
SAE Technical Paper, 2020
The flow reversal resonator
M Karlsson, R Glav
SAE Technical Paper, 2007
Application of SNGR method to compute aero-vibro-acoustics of heavy-duty rear-view mirrors
B Mazeaud, Z Chronéer, M Karlsson, H Yao, B Petit, Y Detandt
25th Aiaa/ceas Aeroacoustics Conference, 2727, 2019
Particle number reduction in automotive exhausts using acoustic metamaterials
Z Zhang, M Abom, H Boden, M Karlsson, D Katoshevski
SAE International Journal of Engines 10 (4), 1566-1572, 2017
Modelling of acoustic resonators using the linearized Navier Stokes equations
L Du, M Abom, M Karlsson, M Knutsson
SAE Technical Paper, 2016
Quasi-steady model of the acoustic scattering properties of a T-junction
M Karlsson, M Åbom
Journal of sound and vibration 330 (21), 5131-5137, 2011
Study of thermoacoustic engine for automotive exhaust waste heat recovery
J Zhou, M Karlsson, M Abom
SAE Technical Paper, 2019
Vehicle with autonomous driving capability
M Karlsson, A Kellström
US Patent 11,203,337, 2021
Aeroacoustics of Heavy Duty Truck Side Mirrors-An Experimental Study
M Karlsson, R Larsson, T Ågren, Z Chroneer
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Particle number reduction in automotive exhausts by controlled grouping
GM Majal, M Karlsson, M Mihaescu, D Katoshevski
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Adaptive stabilized finite element framework for simulation of vocal fold turbulent fluid-structure interaction
J Jansson, A Holmberg, R Vilela de Abreu, C Degirmenci, J Hoffman, ...
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19 (1), 2013
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Articles 1–20