Joseph Goeb
Joseph Goeb
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Africa's unfolding diet transformation: implications for agrifood system employment
DL Tschirley, J Snyder, M Dolislager, T Reardon, S Haggblade, J Goeb, ...
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 5 (2), 102-136, 2015
Impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural production and food systems in late transforming Southeast Asia: The case of Myanmar
D Boughton, J Goeb, I Lambrecht, D Headey, H Takeshima, K Mahrt, ...
Agricultural Systems 188, 103026, 2021
Modernizing Africa’s fresh produce supply chains without rapid supermarket takeover: towards a definition of research and investment priorities
DL Tschirley, MW Ayieko, M Hichaambwa, J Goeb, W Loescher
Showing pesticides’ true colors: The effects of a farmer-to-farmer training program on pesticide knowledge
J Goeb, F Lupi
Journal of Environmental Management 279, 111821, 2021
Strengthening smallholder agriculture is essential to defend food and nutrition security and rural livelihoods in Myanmar against the COVID-19 threat: Elements for a proactive …
D Boughton, J Goeb, I Lambrecht, D Mather, DD Headey
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2020
Pesticide use in Sub-Saharan Africa: Estimates, projections, and implications in the context of food system transformation
J Snyder, J Smart, J Goeb, D Tschirley
Pesticides: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
J Goeb, A Dillon, F Lupi, D Tschirley
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 7 (5 …, 2020
Agricultural value chains in a fragile state: The case of rice in Myanmar
B Minten, J Goeb, KZ Win, PP Zone
World Development 167, 106244, 2023
Food prices, processing, and shocks: Evidence from rice and COVID‐19
J Goeb, PP Zone, NL Kham Synt, AM Zu, Y Tang, B Minten
Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (2), 338-355, 2022
Impacts of government maize supports on smallholder cotton production in Zambia
JC Goeb
Michigan State University. Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, 2011
Opportunities and constraints for production and income growth in rural Myanmar: Inter-regional variations in the composition of agriculture, livelihoods, and the rural economy
B Belton, A Cho, MJ Filipski, J Goeb, I Lambrecht, D Mather, MT Win
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2021
Urban food prices under lockdown: evidence from Myanmar’s traditional food retail sector during COVID-19
J Goeb, M Maredia, KZ Win, I Masias, I Lambrecht, D Boughton, B Minten
Applied Economics 54 (47), 5412-5441, 2022
Conservation farming adoption and impact among first year adopters in central Zambia
J Goeb
Double jeopardy: COVID‐19, coup d'état and poverty in Myanmar
D Boughton, D Headey, K Mahrt, A Cho, X Diao, I Lambrecht, B Minten, ...
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 45 (4), 1998-2016, 2023
Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural input retailers-Mid-June and early July 2020 survey rounds
J Goeb, AM Zu, NLK Synt, D Boughton, MK Maredia
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2020
Preferences for pandemic recovery policies: Perspectives of Myanmar agri‐food system participants
MK Maredia, J Goeb, DL Ortega, NLK Synt, AM Zu
Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 1 (3), 334-351, 2022
Loescher (2010). Modernizing Africa’s fresh produce Supply Chains without Rapid Supermarket Takeover: Towards a Definition of Research and Investment Priorities
D Tschirley, M Ayieko, M Hichaambwa, J Goeb
MSU International Development Working Paper, 0
High Pesticide Use among Smallholders in Africa South of the Sahara Poses Risks for Health
J Smart, J Snyder, J Goeb, D Tschirley
Environment, 2018
Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural commodity traders-Synopsis of results from three survey rounds through early August 2020
J Goeb, AM Zu, PP Zone, NLK Synt, D Boughton, MK Maredia
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2020
Information, pesticide safety behaviors, and toxicity risk perceptions: Evidence from Zambia and Mozambique
J Goeb, J Smart, J Snyder, D Tschirley
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2022
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