Fredrik Sandberg
Fredrik Sandberg
Associate professor, Department of sociology, Lund University
Verifierad e-postadress på soc.lu.se
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Introducing research on recognition of prior learning
P Andersson, A Fejes, F Sandberg
International journal of lifelong education 32 (4), 405-411, 2013
Adult education as a heterotopia of deviation: A dwelling for the abnormal citizen
F Sandberg, A Fejes, M Dahlstedt, M Olson
Adult Education Quarterly 66 (2), 103-119, 2016
Recognition of prior learning, self-realisation and identity within Axel Honneth's theory of recognition
F Sandberg, C Kubiak
Studies in Continuing Education 35 (3), 351-365, 2013
A Habermasian analysis of a process of recognition of prior learning for health care assistants
F Sandberg
Adult Education Quarterly 62 (4), 351-370, 2012
Adult education and the formation of citizens: A critical interrogation
A Fejes, M Dahlstedt, M Olson, F Sandberg
Routledge, 2018
Individualisation in Swedish adult education and the shaping of neo-liberal subjectivities
A Fejes, M Olson, L Rahm, M Dahlstedt, F Sandberg
Scandinavian journal of educational research 62 (3), 461-473, 2018
RPL for accreditation in higher education–As a process of mutual understanding or merely lifeworld colonisation?
F Sandberg, P Andersson
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 36 (7), 767-780, 2011
The interactive researcher as a virtual participant: A Habermasian interpretation
F Sandberg, A Wallo
Action research 11 (2), 194-212, 2013
Recognising health care assistants’ prior learning through a caring ideology
F Sandberg
Vocations and learning 3 (2), 99-115, 2010
Paraprofessionals and caring practice: Negotiating the use of self
C Kubiak, F Sandberg
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 25 (4), 653-660, 2011
Recognition and adult education: An incongruent opportunity
F Sandberg
Studies in Continuing Education 38 (3), 265-280, 2016
Managing by measuring: Academic knowledge production under the ranks
E Nylander, R Aman, A Hallqvist, A Malmquist, F Sandberg
Confero: Essays on education, philosophy and politics 1 (1), 5-18, 2013
Recognition of prior learning
P Andersson, A Fejes, F Sandberg
Routledge, 2017
A reconstructive analysis of the potential for critical learning and change in recognition of prior learning: a Habermasian analysis
F Sandberg
British Educational Research Journal 40 (4), 682-698, 2014
Applying Habermas' theory of communicative action in an analysis of recognition of prior learning
F Sandberg
Social Theory and Education Research, 141-158, 2022
The formation of the willing citizen–Tracing reactive nihilism in late capitalist adult education
M Olson, M Dahlstedt, A Fejes, F Sandberg
Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (1), 95-103, 2018
Longing to Belong
M Dahlstedt, A Fejes, M Olson, L Rahm, F Sandberg
Nordic Journal of Migration Research 7 (4), 197-204, 2017
Medborgarskap och utbildning för vuxna: Om komvux, folkhögskola och medborgarskapandets praktiker
A Fejes, M Dahlstedt, M Olson, F Sandberg
Studentlitteratur AB, 2018
Dissonant futures: Occupational trajectories, gender and class in contemporary municipal adult education in Sweden
M Dahlstedt, F Sandberg, A Fejes, M Olson
Journal of Education and Work 31 (1), 16-27, 2018
Recognition of Prior Learning in Health Care From a Caring Ideology and Power, to Communicative Action and Recognition
F Sandberg
PQDT-Global, 2012
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