Megan Head
Megan Head
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The extent and consequences of p-hacking in science
ML Head, L Holman, R Lanfear, AT Kahn, MD Jennions
PLoS biology 13 (3), e1002106, 2015
Evidence of experimental bias in the life sciences: why we need blind data recording
L Holman, ML Head, R Lanfear, MD Jennions
PLoS biology 13 (7), e1002190, 2015
Maternal and paternal condition effects on offspring phenotype in Telostylinus angusticollis (Diptera: Neriidae)
R Bonduriansky, M Head
Journal of evolutionary biology 20 (6), 2379-2388, 2007
The indirect benefits of mating with attractive males outweigh the direct costs
ML Head, J Hunt, MD Jennions, R Brooks
PLoS Biology 3 (2), e33, 2005
Sexual imprinting on ecologically divergent traits leads to sexual isolation in sticklebacks
GM Kozak, ML Head, JW Boughman
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1718), 2604-2610, 2011
Transcriptomes of parents identify parenting strategies and sexual conflict in a subsocial beetle
DJ Parker, CB Cunningham, CA Walling, CE Stamper, ML Head, ...
Nature Communications 6 (1), 8449, 2015
Sexual coercion and the opportunity for sexual selection in guppies
ML Head, R Brooks
Animal behaviour 71 (3), 515-522, 2006
Operational sex ratio and density do not affect directional selection on male sexual ornaments and behavior
ML Head, AK Lindholm, R Brooks
Evolution 62 (1), 135-144, 2008
Flexible mate choice when mates are rare and time is short
RM Tinghitella, EG Weigel, M Head, JW Boughman
Ecology and Evolution 3 (9), 2820-2831, 2013
Male body size and condition affects sperm number and production rates in mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki
RE O'dea, MD Jennions, ML Head
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27 (12), 2739-2744, 2014
Paternal care: direct and indirect genetic effects of fathers on offspring performance
ML Head, LK Berry, NJ Royle, AJ Moore
Evolution 66 (11), 3570-3581, 2012
The effects of male age, sperm age and mating history on ejaculate senescence
R Vega‐Trejo, RJ Fox, M Iglesias‐Carrasco, ML Head, MD Jennions
Functional Ecology 33 (7), 1267-1279, 2019
Breaking barriers? Ethnicity and socioeconomic background impact on early career progression in the fields of ecology and evolution
KM Wanelik, JS Griffin, ML Head, FC Ingleby, Z Lewis
Ecology and evolution 10 (14), 6870-6880, 2020
Superb fairy-wren males aggregate into hidden leks to solicit extragroup fertilizations before dawn
A Cockburn, AH Dalziell, CJ Blackmore, MC Double, H Kokko, ...
Behavioral Ecology 20 (3), 501-510, 2009
Female mate preferences for male body size and shape promote sexual isolation in threespine sticklebacks
ML Head, GM Kozak, JW Boughman
Ecology and evolution 3 (7), 2183-2196, 2013
Experimental evidence of an age-specific shift in chemical detection of predators in a lizard
ML Head, JS Keogh, P Doughty
Journal of Chemical Ecology 28, 541-554, 2002
Stress in the city: meta-analysis indicates no overall evidence for stress in urban vertebrates
M Iglesias-Carrasco, U Aich, MD Jennions, ML Head
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1936), 20201754, 2020
Male age mediates reproductive investment and response to paternity assurance
KM Benowitz, ML Head, CA Williams, AJ Moore, NJ Royle
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1764), 20131124, 2013
Evidence that nonsignificant results are sometimes preferred: Reverse P-hacking or selective reporting?
PJC Chuard, M Vrtílek, ML Head, MD Jennions
PLoS biology 17 (1), e3000127, 2019
Effects of age and experience on contest behavior in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides
VE Lee, ML Head, MJ Carter, NJ Royle
Behavioral Ecology 25 (1), 172-179, 2014
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Articles 1–20