Helena Johansson
Cited by
Cited by
Mathematical reasoning requirements in Swedish national physics tests
H Johansson
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 14, 1133-1152, 2016
Mathematical Reasoning-In physics and real-life context
H Johansson
Algebra discourses in mathematics and physics textbooks: Comparing the use of algebraic symbols
H Johansson, M Österholm
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2023
Objectification of upper-secondary teachers’ verbal discourse in relation to symbolic expressions
H Johansson, M Österholm
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 56, 100722, 2019
From process to object in teachers’ introductory algebra discourse
H Johansson, C Kilhamn
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2022
Clash of cultures? Exploring students' perceptions of differences between secondary and tertiary mathematics education
H Johansson, M Österholm, L Flodén, P Heidtmann
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2022
Glömska eller ytliga fysikkunskaper: Fördjupad analys av svenska elevers sjunkande fysikresultat i TIMSS Advanced 2015
H Johansson, M Oskarsson, P Nyström
Skolverket, 2018
Hur samstämmiga är svenska styrdokument och nationella prov med ramverk och uppgifter i TIMSS Advanced 2015?
P Nyström, A Kjellson Lind, U Dahlberg, H Johansson
Skolverket, 2016
Dependence between creative and non-creative mathematical reasoning in national physics tests
H Johansson
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD:[Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education …, 2017
Fysikbegreppets flyktighet: En konsekvens av kursplaneförändringar?
H Johansson, M Oskarsson, P Nyström
Från forskning till fysikundervisning, 10-11 april 2018, Lund., 33-46, 2019
Relation between mathematical reasoning ability and national formal demands in physics courses
H Johansson
The 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2015
Clash of cultures? Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of differences between secondary and tertiary mathematics education
H Johansson, M Österholm
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Articles 1–12