Sebastian Diehl
Sebastian Diehl
professor, Umea University
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The interaction between predation and competition: a review and synthesis
JM Chase, PA Abrams, JP Grover, S Diehl, P Chesson, RD Holt, ...
Ecology letters 5 (2), 302-315, 2002
Fish predation and benthic community structure: the role of omnivory and habitat complexity
S Diehl
Ecology 73 (5), 1646-1661, 1992
Foraging efficiency of three freshwater fishes: effects of structural complexity and light
S Diehl
Oikos, 207-214, 1988
Shifts in fish communities along the productivity gradient of temperate lakes—patterns and the importance of size‐structured interactions
L Persson, S Diehl, L Johansson, G Andersson, SF Hamrin
Journal of Fish Biology 38 (2), 281-293, 1991
Effects of population density on individual growth of brown trout in streams
TM Jenkins Jr, S Diehl, KW Kratz, SD Cooper
Ecology 80 (3), 941-956, 1999
Temperature dependence of the functional response
G Englund, G Öhlund, CL Hein, S Diehl
Ecology letters 14 (9), 914-921, 2011
Trophic interactions in temperate lake ecosystems: a test of food chain theory
L Persson, S Diehl, L Johansson, G Andersson, SF Hamrin
The American Naturalist 140 (1), 59-84, 1992
Influence of submerged macrophytes on trophic interactions among fish and macroinvertebrates
S Diehl, R Kornijów
The structuring role of submerged macrophytes in lakes, 24-46, 1998
Effects of enrichment on three-level food chains with omnivory
S Diehl, M Feißel
The American Naturalist 155 (2), 200-218, 2000
Phytoplankton, light, and nutrients in a gradient of mixing depths: field experiments
S Diehl, S Berger, R Ptacnik, A Wild
Ecology 83 (2), 399-411, 2002
Implications of scale for patterns and processes in stream ecology
SD Cooper, S Diehl, KIM Kratz, O Sarnelle
Australian Journal of Ecology 23 (1), 27-40, 1998
Copepods act as a switch between alternative trophic cascades in marine pelagic food webs
H Stibor, O Vadstein, S Diehl, A Gelzleichter, T Hansen, F Hantzsche, ...
Ecology Letters 7 (4), 321-328, 2004
Quantifying spatial heterogeneity in streams
SD Cooper, L Barmuta, O Sarnelle, K Kratz, S Diehl
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 16 (1), 174-188, 1997
Phytoplankton, light, and nutrients in a gradient of mixing depths: theory
S Diehl
Ecology 83 (2), 386-398, 2002
Relative consumer sizes and the strengths of direct and indirect interactions in omnivorous feeding relationships
S Diehl
Oikos, 151-157, 1993
Effects of piscivore‐mediated habitat use on resources, diet, and growth of perch
S Diehl, P Eklov
Ecology 76 (6), 1712-1726, 1995
Piscivore efficiency and refuging prey: the importance of predator search mode
P Eklöv, S Diehl
Oecologia 98, 344-353, 1994
Water temperature and mixing depth affect timing and magnitude of events during spring succession of the plankton
SA Berger, S Diehl, H Stibor, G Trommer, M Ruhenstroth, A Wild, ...
Oecologia 150, 643-654, 2007
Effects of habitat structure on resource availability, diet and growth of benthivorous perch, Perca fluviatilis
S Diehl
Oikos, 403-414, 1993
Intraguild prey suffer from enrichment of their resources: a microcosm experiment with ciliates
S Diehl, M Feissel
Ecology 82 (11), 2977-2983, 2001
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