Juan C. Meza
Juan C. Meza
Professor of Applied Mathematics, UC Merced
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Cited by
Algorithms and tools for high-throughput geometry-based analysis of crystalline porous materials
TF Willems, CH Rycroft, M Kazi, JC Meza, M Haranczyk
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 149 (1), 134-141, 2012
Steepest descent
JC Meza
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics 2 (6), 719-722, 2010
SYNAPPS: data-driven analysis for supernova spectroscopy
RC Thomas, PE Nugent, JC Meza
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 123 (900), 237, 2011
Optimization strategies for the vulnerability analysis of the electric power grid
A Pinar, J Meza, V Donde, B Lesieutre
SIAM Journal on Optimization 20 (4), 1786-1810, 2010
Severe multiple contingency screening in electric power systems
V Donde, V López, B Lesieutre, A Pinar, C Yang, J Meza
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23 (2), 406-417, 2008
SelInv---An Algorithm for Selected Inversion of a Sparse Symmetric Matrix
L Lin, C Yang, JC Meza, J Lu, L Ying, W E
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 37 (4), 1-19, 2011
Research and education in computational science and engineering
U Rüde, K Willcox, LC McInnes, HD Sterck
Siam Review 60 (3), 707-754, 2018
KSSOLV—a MATLAB toolbox for solving the Kohn-Sham equations
C Yang, JC Meza, B Lee, LW Wang
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 36 (2), 1-35, 2009
Do intelligent configuration search techniques outperform random search for large molecules?
RS Judson, ME Colvin, JC Meza, A Huffer, D Gutierrez
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 44 (2), 277-290, 1992
OPT++ An object-oriented toolkit for nonlinear optimization
JC Meza, RA Oliva, PD Hough, PJ Williams
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 33 (2), 12-es, 2007
A trust region direct constrained minimization algorithm for the Kohn–Sham equation
C Yang, JC Meza, LW Wang
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 29 (5), 1854-1875, 2007
OPT++: An object-oriented class library for nonlinear optimization
JC Meza
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 1994
Identification of severe multiple contingencies in electric power networks
V Donde, V Lopez, B Lesieutre, A Pinar, C Yang, J Meza
Proceedings of the 37th Annual North American Power Symposium, 2005., 59-66, 2005
Linear-scaling three-dimensional fragment method for large-scale electronic structure calculations
LW Wang, Z Zhao, J Meza
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (16), 165113, 2008
A comparison of a direct search method and a genetic algorithm for conformational searching
JC Meza, RS Judson, TR Faulkner, AM Treasurywala
Journal of Computational Chemistry 17 (9), 1142-1151, 1996
Direct search methods for the molecular conformation problem
JC Meza, ML Martinez
Journal of Computational Chemistry 15 (6), 627-632, 1994
A constrained optimization algorithm for total energy minimization in electronic structure calculations
C Yang, JC Meza, LW Wang
Journal of Computational Physics 217 (2), 709-721, 2006
On the convergence of the self-consistent field iteration for a class of nonlinear eigenvalue problems
C Yang, W Gao, JC Meza
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications 30 (4), 1773-1788, 2009
Rational design of antibiotic treatment plans: a treatment strategy for managing evolution and reversing resistance
PM Mira, K Crona, D Greene, JC Meza, B Sturmfels, M Barlow
PloS one 10 (5), e0122283, 2015
Adaptive landscapes of resistance genes change as antibiotic concentrations change
PM Mira, JC Meza, A Nandipati, M Barlow
Molecular biology and evolution 32 (10), 2707-2715, 2015
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Articles 1–20