Albert Moser
Albert Moser
Professor für Elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft, RWTH Aachen
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Uncertainty modeling in optimal operation of energy hub in presence of wind, storage and demand response
S Pazouki, MR Haghifam, A Moser
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 61, 335-345, 2014
Simbench—a benchmark dataset of electric power systems to compare innovative solutions based on power flow analysis
S Meinecke, D Sarajlić, SR Drauz, A Klettke, LP Lauven, C Rehtanz, ...
Energies 13 (12), 3290, 2020
Large-scale integration of renewable energies and impact on storage demand in a European renewable power system of 2050—Sensitivity study
C Bussar, P Stöcker, Z Cai, L Moraes Jr, D Magnor, P Wiernes, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 6, 1-10, 2016
Optimal allocation and capacity of energy storage systems in a future European power system with 100% renewable energy generation
C Bussar, M Moos, R Alvarez, P Wolf, T Thien, H Chen, Z Cai, M Leuthold, ...
Energy Procedia 46, 40-47, 2014
Real-world operating strategy and sensitivity analysis of frequency containment reserve provision with battery energy storage systems in the german market
T Thien, D Schweer, D vom Stein, A Moser, DU Sauer
Journal of energy storage 13, 143-163, 2017
Duration based reconfiguration of electric distribution networks using dynamic programming and harmony search algorithm
MH Shariatkhah, MR Haghifam, J Salehi, A Moser
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 41 (1), 1-10, 2012
Economic potential of power-to-gas energy storages
C Baumann, R Schuster, A Moser
2013 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2013
Justified fault-ride-through requirements for wind turbines in power systems
C Rahmann, HJ Haubrich, A Moser, R Palma-Behnke, L Vargas, M Salles
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (3), 1555-1563, 2011
Probabilistic ampacity forecasting for overhead lines using weather forecast ensembles
T Ringelband, P Schäfer, A Moser
Electrical Engineering 95, 99-107, 2013
Moderne Verteilernetze für Deutschland (Verteilernetzstudie)
J Buechner, J Katzfey, O Floercken, A Moser, H Schuster, S Dierkes, ...
Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi …, 2014
Simulation methods for assessing electric vehicle impact on distribution grids
L Zhao, S Prousch, M Hübner, A Moser
IEEE PES T&D 2010, 1-7, 2010
Optimized bidding area delimitations and their impact on electricity markets and congestion management
C Breuer, A Moser
11th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM14), 1-5, 2014
Potential of new business models for grid integrated water electrolysis
P Larscheid, L Lück, A Moser
Renewable Energy 125, 599-608, 2018
Large-scale integration of renewable energies and impact on storage demand in a European renewable power system of 2050
C Bußar, P Stöcker, Z Cai, L Moraes Jr, R Alvarez, H Chen, C Breuer, ...
Energy Procedia 73, 145-153, 2015
Modeling optimal redispatch for the European Transmission grid
C Linnemann, D Echternacht, C Breuer, A Moser
2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech, 1-8, 2011
Stromspeicher in der Energiewende-Untersuchung zum Bedarf an neuen Stromspeichern in Deutschland für den Erzeugungsausgleich, Systemdienstleistungen und im Verteilnetz: Studie
M Sterner, M Thema, F Eckert, A Moser, A Schäfer, T Drees, C Rehtanz, ...
Agora Energiewende, 2014
Determination of alternative bidding areas based on a full nodal pricing approach
C Breuer, N Seeger, A Moser
2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2013
Energiespeicher für die Energiewende: Speicherungsbedarf und Auswirkungen auf das Übertragungsnetz für Szenarien bis 2050
F Adamek, T Aundrup, W Glaunsinger, M Kleimaier, H Landinger, ...
VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik eV, Frankfurt …, 2012
Moderne verteilernetze für Deutschland
J Büchner, J Katzfey, O Flörcken, A Moser, H Schuster, S Dierkes, ...
Study for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, 2014
Roadmap Speicher-Speicherbedarf für Erneuerbare Energien-Speicheralternativen-Speicheranreiz-Überwindung Rechtlicher Hemmnisse
C Pape, N Gerhardt, P Härtel, A Scholz, R Schwinn, T Drees, A Maaz, ...
Kurzzusammenfassung, Kassel, 2014
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Articles 1–20