Zehra Gülseven
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The development of cooperation and self-control in middle childhood: Associations with earlier maternal and paternal parenting.
Z Gülseven, Y Liu, TL Ma, MVB Yu, SD Simpkins, DL Vandell, N Zarrett
Developmental psychology 57 (3), 397, 2021
Longitudinal relations among parenting daily hassles, child rearing, and prosocial and aggressive behaviors in Turkish children
Z Gülseven, G Carlo, C Streit, A Kumru, B Selcuk, M Sayıl
Social Development 27 (1), 45-57, 2018
The mediational roles of harsh and responsive parenting in the longitudinal relations between socioeconomic status and Turkish children’s emotional development
Z Gülseven, A Kumru, G Carlo, F Palermo, B Selcuk, M Sayıl
International Journal of Behavioral Development 42 (6), 563-573, 2018
The roles of perspective taking, empathic concern, and prosocial moral reasoning in the self-reported prosocial behaviors of Filipino and Turkish young adults
Z Gülseven, A Kumru, G Carlo, MR de Guzman
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 51 (10), 814-830, 2020
Direct and indirect effects of parental involvement, deviant peer affiliation, and school connectedness on prosocial behaviors in US Latino/a youth
S Maiya, G Carlo, Z Gülseven, L Crockett
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 37 (10-11), 2898-2917, 2020
Exposure to environmental toxicants and young children’s cognitive and social development
AN Davis, G Carlo, Z Gulseven, F Palermo, CH Lin, SC Nagel, DC Vu, ...
Reviews on environmental health 34 (1), 35-56, 2019
Health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds at daycare facilities
M Bayati, DC Vu, PH Vo, E Rogers, J Park, TL Ho, AN Davis, Z Gulseven, ...
Indoor Air 31 (4), 977-988, 2021
Self-control and cooperation in childhood as antecedents of less moral disengagement in adolescence
Z Gülseven, MVB Yu, N Zarrett, DL Vandell, SD Simpkins
Development and Psychopathology 35 (1), 290-300, 2023
Emerging adults’ cultural values, prosocial behaviors, and mental health in 14 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic
LM Padilla-Walker, J Van der Graaff, K Workman, G Carlo, S Branje, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Development 46 (4), 286-296, 2022
Assessment of indoor volatile organic compounds in Head Start child care facilities
DC Vu, TL Ho, PH Vo, M Bayati, AN Davis, Z Gulseven, G Carlo, ...
Atmospheric Environment 215, 116900, 2019
An evolving and developing field of study: Prosocial morality from a biological, cultural, and developmental perspective
G Carlo, C Christ, D Laible, Z Gulseven
The evolution of morality, 53-76, 2016
Parenting and prosocial behaviors in Nicaraguan adolescents: The roles of prosocial moral reasoning and familism
Z Gülseven, G Carlo
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 38 (9), 2545-2565, 2021
The protective role of early prosocial behaviours against young Turkish children’s later internalizing and externalizing problems
Z Gülseven, G Carlo, A Kumru, M Sayıl, B Selcuk
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 19 (3), 400-418, 2022
The Intervening roles of shame and guilt in relations between parenting and prosocial behavior in college students
Z Gülseven, S Maiya, G Carlo
The Journal of genetic psychology 183 (6), 564-579, 2022
The study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD): Studying development from infancy to adulthood
DL Vandell, Z Gülseven
Annual Review of Developmental Psychology 5 (1), 331-354, 2023
The mediating role of empathy in the links between relationships with three socialisation agents and adolescents’ prosocial behaviours
A Carrizales, Z Gülseven, L Lannegrand
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 40 (9), 2855-2877, 2023
The intervening role of anxiety symptoms in associations between Self-Regulation and prosocial behaviors in US Latino/a college students
S Maiya, Z Gülseven, SE Killoren, G Carlo, C Streit
Journal of American college health 71 (2), 584-592, 2023
Parenting and prosocial moral behavior in predominantly Muslim countries
A Kumru, B Bugan, Z Gülseven
The Oxford Handbook of Parenting and Moral Development, 227, 2019
Children’s self-control as an antecedent of adolescent prosociality and adult civic engagement
Z Gülseven, K Puente, N Tulagan, N Zarrett, SD Simpkins, DL Vandell
Applied Developmental Science 28 (2), 178–192, 2023
Measuring Early Adolescents’ Prosocial Behavior Toward Diverse Others: Considering Multiple Social Identities
SX Xiao, Z Gülseven, ET Clancy, J Liew, G Carlo, S Kim, S Jiang
Journal of Adolescence, 2024
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Articles 1–20