Christian Fernández-Campusano
Christian Fernández-Campusano
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ECA: An edge computing architecture for privacy-preserving in IoT-based smart city
M Gheisari, QV Pham, M Alazab, X Zhang, C Fernández-Campusano, ...
IEEE Access 7, 155779-155786, 2019
A context-aware privacy-preserving method for IoT-based smart city using software defined networking
M Gheisari, G Wang, WZ Khan, C Fernández-Campusano
Computers & Security 87, 101470, 2019
Copper price prediction using support vector regression technique
G Astudillo, R Carrasco, C Fernández-Campusano, M Chacón
applied sciences 10 (19), 6648, 2020
Boosting the decision-making in smart ports by using blockchain
CA Durán, C Fernández-Campusano, R Carrasco, M Vargas, A Navarrete
IEEE Access 9, 128055-128068, 2021
An efficient cluster head selection for wireless sensor network-based smart agriculture systems
M Gheisari, MS Yaraziz, JA Alzubi, C Fernández-Campusano, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 198, 107105, 2022
A distributed leader election algorithm in crash-recovery and omissive systems
C Fernández-Campusano, M Larrea, R Cortiñas, M Raynal
Information Processing Letters (IPL) 118, 100-104, 2017
Identifying Influencing Factors of Road Accidents in Emerging Road Accident Blackspots
K Athiappan, C Karthik, M Rajalaskshmi, C Subrata, HR Dastjerdi, Y Liu, ...
Advances in Civil Engineering 2022 (1), 9474323, 2022
Overuse of health care in the emergency services in Chile
X Alvial, A Rojas, R Carrasco, C Durán, C Fernández-Campusano
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (6), 3082, 2021
Copper Price Variation Forecasts Using Genetic Algorithms
R Carrasco, C Fernández-Campusano, I Soto, C Lagos, N Krommenacker, ...
International Conference on Applied Technologies, 284-296, 2020
Mobile apps for COVID-19 detection and diagnosis for future pandemic control: Multidimensional systematic review
M Gheisari, M Ghaderzadeh, H Li, T Taami, C Fernández-Campusano, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 12, e44406, 2024
A communication-efficient leader election algorithm in partially synchronous systems prone to crash-recovery and omission failures
C Fernández-Campusano, M Larrea, R Cortiñas, M Raynal
International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN …, 2016
Eventual leader election despite crash-recovery and omission failures
C Fernández-Campusano, M Larrea, R Cortinas, M Raynal
2015 IEEE 21St pacific rim international symposium on dependable computing …, 2015
Design of advanced Aalborg inverter for extracting maximum power from renewable energy sources tied with autonomous grid system
J Selvaraj, K Chandrasekaran, AK Tamilarasan, M Gheisari, ...
IET Power Electronics 16 (10), 1703-1716, 2023
A performance study of consensus algorithms in omission and crash-recovery scenarios
C Fernández-Campusano, R Cortiñas, M Larrea
2014 22nd Euromicro international conference on parallel, distributed, and …, 2014
A novel model for efficient cluster head selection in mobile WSNs using residual energy and neural networks
A Jalili, M Gheisari, JA Alzubi, C Fernández-Campusano, F Kamalov, ...
Measurement: Sensors 33, 101144, 2024
Distributed eventual leader election in the crash-recovery and general omission failure models
CRF Campusano
Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2020
Boosting Dependable Ubiquitous Computing: A Case Study
CF Campusano, RC Rodriguez, ML Alava
IEEE Latin America Transactions 12 (3), 442-448, 2014
A leader election service for crash-recovery and omission environments
C Fernández-Campusano, R Cortiñas, M Larrea
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Personalisation and User …, 2014
CAPPAD: a privacy-preservation solution for autonomous vehicles using SDN, differential privacy and data aggregation
M Gheisari, WZ Khan, HE Najafabadi, G McArdle, H Rabiei-Dastjerdi, ...
Applied Intelligence 54 (4), 3417-3428, 2024
Mobile applications in COVID-19 detection and diagnosis: An efficient tool to control the future pandemic; a multidimensional systematic review of the state of the art
M Gheisari, T Taami, M Ghaderzadeh, H Li, H Sadeghsalehi, ...
JMIR MHealth and UHealth, 2023
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Articles 1–20