Sean D. Ahern
Sean D. Ahern
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Cited by
Chromium: a stream-processing framework for interactive rendering on clusters
G Humphreys, M Houston, R Ng, R Frank, S Ahern, PD Kirchner, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 21 (3), 693-702, 2002
VisIt: An End-User Tool For Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data
H Childs, E Brugger, B Whitlock, J Meredith, S Ahern, K Bonnell, M Miller, ...
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), 2011
High Performance Visualization: Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight
C Hansen
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2012
FastBit: interactively searching massive data
K Wu, S Ahern, EW Bethel, J Chen, H Childs, E Cormier-Michel, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 180 (1), 012053, 2009
Extreme scaling of production visualization software on diverse architectures
H Childs, D Pugmire, S Ahern, B Whitlock, M Howison, GH Weber, ...
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 30 (3), 22-31, 2010
Scalable computation of streamlines on very large datasets
D Pugmire, H Childs, C Garth, S Ahern, GH Weber
Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Computing Networking …, 2009
Scientific discovery at the exascale. Report from the DOE ASCR 2011 Workshop on Exascale Data Management
S Ahern, A Shoshani, KL Ma, A Choudhary, T Critchlow, S Klasky, ...
Analysis, and Visualization 2, 2011
A terminology for in situ visualization and analysis systems
H Childs, SD Ahern, J Ahrens, AC Bauer, J Bennett, EW Bethel, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 34 (6 …, 2020
High performance multivariate visual data exploration for extremely large data
O Rübel, K Wu, H Childs, J Meredith, CGR Geddes, E Cormier-Michel, ...
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 51, 2008
EAVL: The Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization Library
JS Meredith, S Ahern, D Pugmire, R Sisneros
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 21-30, 2012
Simulation of high-power electromagnetic wave heating in the ITER burning plasma
EF Jaeger, LA Berry, EF D’Azevedo, RF Barrett, SD Ahern, DW Swain, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (7), 2008
H Childs, E Brugger, B Whitlock, J Meredith, S Ahern, D Pugmire, ...
High Performance Visualization: Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight, 2012
In situ data processing for extreme-scale computing
S Klasky, H Abbasi, J Logan, M Parashar, K Schwan, A Shoshani, M Wolf, ...
Proc. Conf. Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Program (SciDAC’11), 2011
Self-consistent full-wave and Fokker-Planck calculations for ion cyclotron heating in non-Maxwellian plasmas
EF Jaeger, LA Berry, SD Ahern, RF Barrett, DB Batchelor, MD Carter, ...
Physics of plasmas 13, 056101, 2006
Visualizing temporal patterns in large multivariate data using modified globbing
M Glatter, J Huang, S Ahern, J Daniel, A Lu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14 (6), 1467-1474, 2008
Visualization and knowledge discovery: Report from the DOE/ASCR workshop on visual analysis and data exploration at extreme scale
C Johnson, R Ross, S Ahern, J Ahrens, W Bethel, KL Ma, M Papka, ...
Salt Lake City, 2007
Chromium Renderserver: Scalable and Open Source Remote Rendering Infrastructure
B Paul, S Ahern, E Bethel, E Brugger, R Cook, J Daniel, K Lewis, J Owen, ...
Info:, 2008
Scientific application requirements for leadership computing at the exascale
S Ahern, SR Alam, MR Fahey, RJ Hartman-Baker, RF Barrett, RA Kendall, ...
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); Center for Computational Sciences, 2007
Visualization at supercomputing centers: The tale of little big iron and the three skinny guys
EW Bethel, J van Rosendale, D Southard, K Gaither, H Childs, E Brugger, ...
Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE 31 (1), 90-95, 2011
A distributed data-parallel framework for analysis and visualization algorithm development
JS Meredith, R Sisneros, D Pugmire, S Ahern
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Workshop on General Purpose Processing with …, 2012
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Articles 1–20