Þorsteinn Jóhannsson
Þorsteinn Jóhannsson
Air quality expert at the Environment Agency of Iceland
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Cited by
Satellite detection, long‐range transport, and air quality impacts of volcanic sulfur dioxide from the 2014–2015 flood lava eruption at Bárðarbunga (Iceland)
A Schmidt, S Leadbetter, N Theys, E Carboni, CS Witham, JA Stevenson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 120 (18), 9739-9757, 2015
High levels of particulate matter in Iceland due to direct ash emissions by the Eyjafjallajökull eruption and resuspension of deposited ash
T Thorsteinsson, T Jóhannsson, A Stohl, NI Kristiansen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B9), 2012
Environmental pressure from the 2014–15 eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland
SR Gíslason, G Stefansdottir, M Pfeffer, S Barsotti, T Jóhannsson, ...
European Association of Geochemistry, 2015
Understanding the environmental impacts of large fissure eruptions: Aerosol and gas emissions from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun eruption (Iceland)
E Ilyinskaya, A Schmidt, TA Mather, FD Pope, C Witham, P Baxter, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 472, 309-322, 2017
Ground-based measurements of the 2014–2015 Holuhraun volcanic cloud (Iceland)
MA Pfeffer, B Bergsson, S Barsotti, G Stefánsdóttir, B Galle, S Arellano, ...
Geosciences 8 (1), 29, 2018
The eruption in Fagradalsfjall (2021, Iceland): how the operational monitoring and the volcanic hazard assessment contributed to its safe access
S Barsotti, MM Parks, MA Pfeffer, BA Óladóttir, T Barnie, MM Titos, ...
Natural Hazards 116 (3), 3063-3092, 2023
Statistical assessment and modeling of the effects of weather conditions on H2S plume dispersal from Icelandic geothermal power plants
T Thorsteinsson, J Hackenbruch, E Sveinbjörnsson, T Jóhannsson
Geothermics 45, 31-40, 2013
Increased respiratory morbidity associated with exposure to a mature volcanic plume from a large Icelandic fissure eruption
HK Carlsen, E Ilyinskaya, PJ Baxter, A Schmidt, T Thorsteinsson, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 2161, 2021
Emergency hospital visits in association with volcanic ash, dust storms and other sources of ambient particles: a time-series study in Reykjavík, Iceland
HK Carlsen, T Gislason, B Forsberg, K Meister, T Thorsteinsson, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 12 (4 …, 2015
Severe volcanic SO2 exposure and respiratory morbidity in the Icelandic population – a register study
HK Carlsen, U Valdimarsdóttir, H Briem, F Dominici, RG Finnbjornsdottir, ...
Environmental Health 20, 1-12, 2021
Operational response and hazards assessment during the 2014–2015 volcanic crisis at Bárðarbunga volcano and associated eruption at Holuhraun, Iceland
S Barsotti, B Oddsson, MT Gudmundsson, MA Pfeffer, MM Parks, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 390, 106753, 2020
Air pollution in Iceland and the effects on human health. Review
G Gudmundsson, RG Finnbjornsdottir, T Johannsson, V Rafnsson
Laeknabladid 105 (10), 443-452, 2019
Respiratory health among professionals exposed to extreme SO₂ levels from a volcanic eruption
HK Carlsen, T Aspelund, H Briem, T Gislason, T Jóhannsson, ...
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health 45 (3), 312-315, 2019
National Inventory Report 2016; submitted under the United Nations framework convention on climate change, emissions of greenhouse gases in Iceland from 1990 to 2014
VUL Hellsing, AS Ragnarsdottir, K Jonsson, K Andresson, T Johannsson, ...
Environmental Agency of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2016
National Inventory Report. Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Iceland from 1990 to 2014
VÚL Hellsing, AS Ragnarsdóttir, K Jónsson, K Andrésson, Þ Jóhannsson, ...
Submitted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change …, 2016
High levels of particulate matter due to ash plume and ash re-suspension following the Eyjafjallajökull eruption
T Thorsteinsson, T Johannsson, G Petursdottir
Geophys Res Abstr 13, 2011
Svifryksmengun í Reykjavík.
Þ Jóhannsson
Háskóli Íslands, verkfræðideild, 2007
Abundant SO2 release from the 2014 Holuhraun eruption (Bárðarbunga, Iceland) and its impact on human health
S Barsotti, T Jóhannsson, VÚ Hellsing, MA Pfeffer, T Guðnason, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12886, 2015
Svifryksmengun vegna umferðar
Þ Þorsteinsson, AR Böðvarsdóttir, Þ Jóhannsson
Vegagerðin, 2008
Loftmengun á Íslandi og áhrif hennar á heilsu manna-Yfirlitsgrein
G Gudmundsson, RG Finnbjornsdottir, T Johannsson, V Rafnsson
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Articles 1–20