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Mid-Infrared InAs/InAsSb Superlattice nBn Photodetector Monolithically Integrated onto Silicon
E Delli, V Letka, PD Hodgson, E Repiso, JP Hayton, AP Craig, Q Lu, ...
ACS Photonics 6 (2), 538-544, 2019
InAs thermophotovoltaic cells with high quantum efficiency for waste heat recovery applications below 1000° C
Q Lu, X Zhou, A Krysa, A Marshall, P Carrington, CH Tan, A Krier
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 179, 334-338, 2018
High-speed mid-wave infrared interband cascade photodetector at room temperature
Z Xie, J Huang, X Chai, Z Deng, Y Chen, Q Lu, Z Xu, J Chen, Y Zhou, ...
Optics Express 28 (24), 36915-36923, 2020
Monolithic distributed Bragg reflector cavities in Al 2 O 3 with quality factors exceeding 10 6
EH Bernhardi, Q Lu, H Van Wolferen, K Wörhoff, RM De Ridder, ...
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 9 (3), 225-234, 2011
InAs/GaSb superlattice interband cascade light emitting diodes with high output power and high wall-plug efficiency
Y Zhou, Q Lu, X Chai, Z Xu, J Chen, A Krier, L Li He
Applied Physics Letters 114 (24), 253507, 2019
InSb quantum dots for the mid-infrared spectral range grown on GaAs substrates using metamorphic InAs buffer layers
Q Lu, Q Zhuang, A Marshall, M Kesaria, R Beanland, A Krier
Semiconductor Science and Technology 29 (7), 075011, 2014
Mid-infrared resonant cavity light emitting diodes operating at 4.5 µm
FA Al-Saymari, AP Craig, Q Lu, ARJ Marshall, PJ Carrington, A Krier
Optics Express 28 (16), 23338-23353, 2020
Low bandgap GaInAsSb thermophotovoltaic cells on GaAs substrate with advanced metamorphic buffer layer
Q Lu, R Beanland, D Montesdeoca, PJ Carrington, A Marshall, A Krier
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 191, 406-412, 2019
GaSb-based solar cells for multi-junction integration on Si substrates
J Tournet, S Parola, A Vauthelin, DM Cardenes, S Soresi, F Martinez, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 191, 444-450, 2019
Mid-infrared type-II InAs/InAsSb quantum wells integrated on silicon
E Delli, PD Hodgson, M Bentley, E Repiso, AP Craig, Q Lu, R Beanland, ...
Applied Physics Letters 117 (13), 131103, 2020
Electroluminescence and photoluminescence of type-II InAs/InAsSb strained-layer superlattices in the mid-infrared
JA Keen, E Repiso, Q Lu, M Kesaria, ARJ Marshall, A Krier
Infrared Physics & Technology 93, 375-380, 2018
Suppression of the surface “dead region” for fabrication of GaInAsSb thermophotovoltaic cells
L Tang, C Xu, Z Liu, Q Lu, A Marshall, A Krier
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 163, 263-269, 2017
Heteroepitaxial Integration of Mid-Infrared InAsSb Light Emitting Diodes on Silicon
E Delli, PD Hodgson, E Repiso, AP Craig, JP Hayton, Q Lu, ARJ Marshall, ...
IEEE Photonics Journal 11 (3), 1-8, 2019
Electroluminescence enhancement in mid-infrared InAsSb resonant cavity light emitting diodes for CO2 detection
FA Al-Saymari, AP Craig, YJ Noori, Q Lu, ARJ Marshall, A Krier
Applied Physics Letters 114 (17), 171103, 2019
Gain and Threshold Current in Type II In(As)Sb Mid-Infrared Quantum Dot Lasers
Q Lu, Q Zhuang, A Krier
Photonics 2 (2), 414-425, 2015
Gain and tuning characteristics of mid-infrared InSb quantum dot diode lasers
Q Lu, Q Zhuang, J Hayton, M Yin, A Krier
Applied Physics Letters 105 (3), 031115, 2014
Optical properties of metamorphic type-I InAs1− x Sb x/Al y In1− y As quantum wells grown on GaAs for the mid-infrared spectral range
E Repiso, CA Broderick, M de la Mata, R Arkani, Q Lu, ARJ Marshall, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (46), 465102, 2019
Hole capture and emission dynamics of type-II GaSb/GaAs quantum ring solar cells
MC Wagener, D Montesdeoca, Q Lu, ARJ Marshall, A Krier, JR Botha, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 189, 233-238, 2019
Metamorphic Integration of GaInAsSb Material on GaAs Substrates for Light Emitting Device Applications
Q Lu, A Marshall, A Krier
Materials 12, 1743, 2019
InSb-based quantum dot nanostructures for mid-infrared photonic devices
PJ Carrington, E Repiso, Q Lu, H Fujita, ARJ Marshall, Q Zhuang, A Krier
Nanophotonic Materials XIII 9919, 99190C, 2016
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Articles 1–20