Per Delsing
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Cited by
Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit
CM Wilson, G Johansson, A Pourkabirian, M Simoen, JR Johansson, ...
nature 479 (7373), 376-379, 2011
The radio-frequency single-electron transistor (RF-SET): A fast and ultrasensitive electrometer
RJ Schoelkopf, P Wahlgren, AA Kozhevnikov, P Delsing, DE Prober
science 280 (5367), 1238-1242, 1998
Propagating phonons coupled to an artificial atom
MV Gustafsson, T Aref, AF Kockum, MK Ekström, G Johansson, P Delsing
Science 346 (6206), 207-211, 2014
Demonstration of a single-photon router in the microwave regime
IC Hoi, CM Wilson, G Johansson, T Palomaki, B Peropadre, P Delsing
Physical review letters 107 (7), 073601, 2011
Evidence for coexistence of the superconducting gap and the pseudogap in Bi-2212 from intrinsic tunneling spectroscopy
VM Krasnov, A Yurgens, D Winkler, P Delsing, T Claeson
Physical Review Letters 84 (25), 5860, 2000
The 2019 surface acoustic waves roadmap
P Delsing, AN Cleland, MJA Schuetz, J Knörzer, G Giedke, JI Cirac, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (35), 353001, 2019
Tuning the field in a microwave resonator faster than the photon lifetime
M Sandberg, CM Wilson, F Persson, T Bauch, G Johansson, V Shumeiko, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (20), 2008
Current measurement by real-time counting of single electrons
J Bylander, T Duty, P Delsing
Nature 434 (7031), 361-364, 2005
Radio-frequency single-electron transistor as readout device for qubits: Charge sensitivity and backaction
A Aassime, G Johansson, G Wendin, RJ Schoelkopf, P Delsing
Physical Review Letters 86 (15), 3376, 2001
Decoherence benchmarking of superconducting qubits
JJ Burnett, A Bengtsson, M Scigliuzzo, D Niepce, M Kudra, P Delsing, ...
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 54, 2019
Time-correlated single-electron tunneling in one-dimensional arrays of ultrasmall tunnel junctions
P Delsing, KK Likharev, LS Kuzmin, T Claeson
Physical review letters 63 (17), 1861, 1989
Giant cross–Kerr effect for propagating microwaves induced by an artificial atom
IC Hoi, AF Kockum, T Palomaki, TM Stace, B Fan, L Tornberg, ...
Physical review letters 111 (5), 053601, 2013
Phase controlled conductance of mesoscopic structures with superconducting “mirrors”
VT Petrashov, VN Antonov, P Delsing, T Claeson
Physical review letters 74 (26), 5268, 1995
Coherent dynamics of a Josephson charge qubit
T Duty, D Gunnarsson, K Bladh, P Delsing
Physical Review B 69 (14), 140503, 2004
Magnetic ground state of a heavy-electron system: U 2 Zn 17
HR Ott, H Rudigier, P Delsing, Z Fisk
Physical review letters 52 (17), 1551, 1984
Designing frequency-dependent relaxation rates and Lamb shifts for a giant artificial atom
A Frisk Kockum, P Delsing, G Johansson
Physical Review A 90 (1), 013837, 2014
Generation of nonclassical microwave states using an artificial atom in 1D open space
IC Hoi, T Palomaki, J Lindkvist, G Johansson, P Delsing, CM Wilson
Physical Review Letters 108 (26), 263601, 2012
Effect of high-frequency electrodynamic environment on the single-electron tunneling in ultrasmall junctions
P Delsing, KK Likharev, LS Kuzmin, T Claeson
Physical review letters 63 (11), 1180, 1989
Non-exponential decay of a giant artificial atom
G Andersson, B Suri, L Guo, T Aref, P Delsing
Nature Physics 15 (11), 1123-1127, 2019
Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in -Wave Josephson Junctions
T Bauch, F Lombardi, F Tafuri, A Barone, G Rotoli, P Delsing, T Claeson
Physical review letters 94 (8), 087003, 2005
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Articles 1–20