Luiz A. N. Lorena
Luiz A. N. Lorena
Senior Researcher, INPE - National Institute for Space Research
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Cited by
A column generation approach to capacitated p-median problems
LAN Lorena, ELF Senne
Computers & Operations Research 31 (6), 863-876, 2004
Constructive genetic algorithm for clustering problems
LAN Lorena, JC Furtado
Evolutionary Computation 9 (3), 309-327, 2001
Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation for generalized assignment problems
MG Narciso, LAN Lorena
European Journal of Operational Research 114 (1), 165-177, 1999
Model and heuristic for berth allocation in tidal bulk ports with stock level constraints
VH Barros, TS Costa, ACM Oliveira, LAN Lorena
Computers & Industrial Engineering 60 (4), 606-613, 2011
Relaxation heuristics for a generalized assignment problem
LAN Lorena, MG Narciso
European Journal of Operational Research 91 (3), 600-610, 1996
Lagrangean/surrogate heuristics for p-median problems
ELF Senne, LAN Lorena
Computing tools for modeling, optimization and simulation: interfaces in …, 2000
A surrogate heuristic for set covering problems
LAN Lorena, FB Lopes
European Journal of Operational Research 79 (1), 138-150, 1994
Clustering search for the berth allocation problem
RM de Oliveira, GR Mauri, LAN Lorena
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (5), 5499-5505, 2012
Tabu search heuristic for point-feature cartographic label placement
M Yamamoto, G Camara, LAN Lorena
GeoInformatica 6, 77-90, 2002
A branch-and-price approach to p-median location problems
ELF Senne, LAN Lorena, MA Pereira
Computers & operations research 32 (6), 1655-1664, 2005
An adaptive large neighborhood search for the discrete and continuous berth allocation problem
GR Mauri, GM Ribeiro, LAN Lorena, G Laporte
Computers & Operations Research 70, 140-154, 2016
Clustering search algorithm for the capacitated centered clustering problem
AA Chaves, LAN Lorena
Computers & Operations Research 37 (3), 552-558, 2010
Local Search Heuristics for Capacitated p-Median Problems
LAN Lorena, ELF Senne
Networks and Spatial Economics 3, 407-419, 2003
School location methodology in urban areas of developing countries
ND Pizzolato, FB Barcelos, LA Nogueira Lorena
International Transactions in Operational Research 11 (6), 667-681, 2004
A lagrangean/surrogate heuristic for the maximal covering location problem using hillman's edition
LAN Lorena, MA Pereira
International Journal of Industrial Engineering 9, 57-67, 2002
A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure for the point-feature cartographic label placement
GL Cravo, GM Ribeiro, LAN Lorena
Computers & Geosciences 34 (4), 373-386, 2008
Hybrid metaheuristic for the assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem
AA Chaves, LAN Lorena, C Miralles
Hybrid Metaheuristics: 6th International Workshop, HM 2009, Udine, Italy …, 2009
Clustering search approach for the assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem
AA Chaves, C Miralles, LAN Lorena
Proceedings of the 37th international conference on computers and industrial …, 2007
A constructive genetic algorithm for permutation flowshop scheduling
MS Nagano, R Ruiz, LAN Lorena
Computers & Industrial Engineering 55 (1), 195-207, 2008
A hybrid column generation approach for the berth allocation problem
GR Mauri, ACM Oliveira, LAN Lorena
European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial …, 2008
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Articles 1–20