Ulf Ahlgren
Ulf Ahlgren
Professor of Molecular Medicine, Umeå University
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Optical projection tomography as a tool for 3D microscopy and gene expression studies
J Sharpe, U Ahlgren, P Perry, B Hill, A Ross, J Hecksher-Sørensen, ...
Science 296 (5567), 541-545, 2002
β-Cell-specific inactivation of the mouseIpf1/Pdx1 gene results in loss of the β-cell phenotype and maturity onset diabetes
U Ahlgren, J Jonsson, L Jonsson, K Simu, H Edlund
Genes & development 12 (12), 1763-1768, 1998
Independent requirement for ISL1 in formation of pancreatic mesenchyme and islet cells
U Ahlgren, SL Pfaff, TM Jessell, T Edlund, H Edlund
Nature 385 (6613), 257-260, 1997
The morphogenesis of the pancreatic mesenchyme is uncoupled from that of the pancreatic epithelium in IPF1/PDX1-deficient mice
U Ahlgren, J Jonsson, H Edlund
Development 122 (5), 1409-1416, 1996
Sonic hedgehog directs specialised mesoderm differentiation in the intestine and pancreas
Å Apelqvist, U Ahlgren, H Edlund
Current Biology 7 (10), 801-804, 1997
Tomographic molecular imaging and 3D quantification within adult mouse organs
T Alanentalo, A Asayesh, H Morrison, CE Lorén, D Holmberg, J Sharpe, ...
Nature methods 4 (1), 31-33, 2007
Transient cytokine treatment induces acinar cell reprogramming and regenerates functional beta cell mass in diabetic mice
L Baeyens, M Lemper, G Leuckx, S De Groef, P Bonfanti, G Stangé, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (1), 76-83, 2014
Nuclear factor-κB activity in β-cells is required for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
S Norlin, U Ahlgren, H Edlund
Diabetes 54 (1), 125-132, 2005
The splanchnic mesodermal plate directs spleen and pancreatic laterality,and is regulated by Bapx1/Nkx3.2
J Hecksher-Sørensen, RP Watson, LA Lettice, P Serup, L Eley, ...
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 131 (19), 4665 …, 2004
Neurogenin 3+ cells contribute to β-cell neogenesis and proliferation in injured adult mouse pancreas
M Van de Casteele, G Leuckx, L Baeyens, Y Cai, Y Yuchi, V Coppens, ...
Cell death & disease 4 (3), e523-e523, 2013
Quantification and three-dimensional imaging of the insulitis-induced destruction of β-cells in murine type 1 diabetes
T Alanentalo, A Hörnblad, S Mayans, A Karin Nilsson, J Sharpe, ...
Diabetes 59 (7), 1756-1764, 2010
IPF1, a homeodomain protein with a dual function in pancreas development.
J Jonsson, U Ahlgren, T Edlund, H Edlund
The International journal of developmental biology 39 (5), 789-798, 1995
Spleen versus pancreas: strict control of organ interrelationship revealed by analyses of Bapx1−/− mice
A Asayesh, J Sharpe, RP Watson, J Hecksher-Sørensen, ND Hastie, ...
Genes & development 20 (16), 2208-2213, 2006
An improved protocol for optical projection tomography imaging reveals lobular heterogeneities in pancreatic islet and β-cell mass distribution
A Hörnblad, A Cheddad, U Ahlgren
Islets 3 (4), 204-208, 2011
High-resolution three-dimensional imaging of islet-infiltrate interactions based on optical projection tomography assessments of the intact adult mouse pancreas
T Alanentalo, CE Loren, Å Larefalk, J Sharpe, D Holmberg, U Ahlgren
Journal of biomedical optics 13 (5), 054070-054070-4, 2008
Image processing assisted algorithms for optical projection tomography
A Cheddad, C Svensson, J Sharpe, F Georgsson, U Ahlgren
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 31 (1), 1-15, 2011
Targeted disruption of ALK reveals a potential role in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
B Witek, A El Wakil, C Nord, U Ahlgren, M Eriksson, E Vernersson-Lindahl, ...
PLoS One 10 (5), e0123542, 2015
Growth-limiting role of endothelial cells in endoderm development
FW Sand, A Hörnblad, JK Johansson, C Lorén, J Edsbagge, A Ståhlberg, ...
Developmental biology 352 (2), 267-277, 2011
Near infrared optical projection tomography for assessments of β-cell mass distribution in diabetes research
AU Eriksson, C Svensson, A Hörnblad, A Cheddad, E Kostromina, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 50238, 2013
Light scattering as an intrinsic indicator for pancreatic islet cell mass and secretion
E Ilegems, PP Van Krieken, PK Edlund, A Dicker, T Alanentalo, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10740, 2015
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Articles 1–20