Reijo Kouhia
Reijo Kouhia
Professor of Solid Mechanics, Tampere University
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A linear nonconforming finite element method for nearly incompressible elasticity and Stokes flow
R Kouhia, R Stenberg
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 124 (3), 195-212, 1995
Tracing the equilibrium path beyond simple critical points
R Kouhia, M Mikkola
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 28 (12), 2923-2941, 1989
Stabilized and block approximate inverse preconditioners for problems in solid and structural mechanics
M Benzi, R Kouhia, M Tůma
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 190 (49-50), 6533-6554, 2001
FEM for directly coupled magneto-mechanical phenomena in electrical machines
K Fonteyn, A Belahcen, R Kouhia, P Rasilo, A Arkkio
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (8), 2923-2926, 2010
Modeling of hysteresis losses in ferromagnetic laminations under mechanical stress
P Rasilo, D Singh, U Aydin, F Martin, R Kouhia, A Belahcen, A Arkkio
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (3), 1-4, 2015
Anisotropic damage model for concrete and other quasi-brittle materials
J Vilppo, R Kouhia, J Hartikainen, K Kolari, A Fedoroff, K Calonius
International Journal of Solids and Structures 225, 111048, 2021
Continuum approach for modeling fatigue in amorphous glassy polymers. Applications to the investigation of damage-ratcheting interaction in polycarbonate
S Holopainen, T Barriere, G Cheng, R Kouhia
International Journal of Plasticity 91, 109-133, 2017
Permafrost simulations at Forsmark using a numerical 2D thermo-hydro-chemical model
J Hartikainen, R Kouhia, T Wallroth
Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management …, 2010
An assessment of some preconditioning techniques in shell problems
M Benzi, R Kouhia, M Tůma
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 14 (10), 897-906, 1998
Magneto-mechanical modeling of electrical steel sheets
U Aydin, P Rasilo, F Martin, D Singh, L Daniel, A Belahcen, M Rekik, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 439, 82-90, 2017
Continuum approach for modelling transversely isotropic high-cycle fatigue
S Holopainen, R Kouhia, T Saksala
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 60, 183-195, 2016
On step size adjustments in structural continuation problems
A Eriksson, R Kouhia
Computers & structures 55 (3), 495-506, 1995
Some aspects on efficient path-following
R Kouhia, M Mikkola
Computers & structures 72 (4-5), 509-524, 1999
Tracing the equilibrium path beyond compound critical points
R Kouhia, M Mikkola
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 46 (7), 1049-1074, 1999
Static and dynamic analysis of space frames using simple Timoshenko type elements
R Kouhia, M Tuomala
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 36 (7), 1189-1221, 1993
Exercise loading history and femoral neck strength in a sideways fall: A three-dimensional finite element modeling study
S Abe, N Narra, R Nikander, J Hyttinen, R Kouhia, H Sievänen
Bone 92, 9-17, 2016
Enhanced multiaxial fatigue criterion that considers stress gradient effects
NS Ottosen, M Ristinmaa, R Kouhia
International Journal of Fatigue 116, 128-139, 2018
On the implicit integration of rate‐dependent inelastic constitutive models
R Kouhia, P Marjamäki, J Kivilahti
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 62 (13), 1832-1856, 2005
Modeling the effect of multiaxial stress on magnetic hysteresis of electrical steel sheets: A comparison
U Aydin, P Rasilo, F Martin, D Singh, L Daniel, A Belahcen, R Kouhia, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53 (6), 1-4, 2017
Investigation of REBCO Roebel cable irreversible critical current degradation under transverse pressure
JS Murtomäki, R Kouhia, A Stenvall, L Bottura, G Kirby, J van Nugteren, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 28 (4), 1-6, 2018
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Articles 1–20