Sara Heitlinger
Sara Heitlinger
Lecturer in Computer Science, at City, University of London
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Cited by
More-than-human participation: Design for sustainable smart city futures
R Clarke, S Heitlinger, A Light, L Forlano, M Foth, C DiSalvo
Interactions 26 (3), 60-63, 2019
The right to the sustainable smart city
S Heitlinger, N Bryan-Kinns, R Comber
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
Connected seeds and sensors: co-designing internet of things for sustainable smart cities with urban food-growing communities
S Heitlinger, N Bryan-Kinns, R Comber
Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers …, 2018
Sustainable HCI for grassroots urban food-growing communities
S Heitlinger, N Bryan-Kinns, J Jefferies
Proceedings of the 25th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference …, 2013
Algorithmic food justice: Co-designing more-than-human blockchain futures for the food commons
S Heitlinger, L Houston, A Taylor, R Catlow
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Negotiating sustainable futures in communities through participatory speculative design and experiments in living
S Chopra, RE Clarke, AK Clear, S Heitlinger, O Dilaver, C Vasiliou
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2022
The talking plants: an interactive system for grassroots urban food-growing communities
S Heitlinger, N Bryan-Kinns, J Jefferies
CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 459-462, 2014
More-than-human urban futures: speculative participatory design to avoid ecocidal smart cities
R Clarke, S Heitlinger, M Foth, C DiSalvo, A Light, L Forlano
Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers …, 2018
Avoiding ecocidal smart cities: Participatory design for more-than-human futures
S Heitlinger, M Foth, R Clarke, C DiSalvo, A Light, L Forlano
Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers …, 2018
Co-creating" Smart" sustainable food futures with urban food growers
S Heitlinger, R Clarke, AK Clear, S Chopra, Ö Dilaver
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities …, 2019
Designing with More-than-Human Food Practices for Climate-Resilience
M Dolejšová, S Van Gaalen, D Wilde, PG Raven, S Heitlinger, A Light
Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems …, 2020
Understanding performative behaviour within content-rich Digital Live Art
S Heitlinger, N Bryan-Kinns
Digital Creativity 24 (2), 111-118, 2013
Design for the right to the smart city in more-than-human worlds
S Heitlinger, R Comber
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.10530, 2018
UbiComp for grassroots urban food-growing communities
S Heitlinger, N Bryan-Kinns, J Jefferies
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing …, 2013
Socially engaged arts practice in HCI
RE Clarke, J Briggs, A Light, S Heitlinger, C Crivellaro
CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 69-74, 2014
Infrastructuring ecological sustainability through multi-scalar speculations
S Chopra, R Clarke, C Crivellaro, A Clear, S Heitlinger, O Dilaver
Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2022-Volume 1, 13-25, 2022
Connected Seeds
S Heitlinger
Queen Mary University of London, 2017
Making Data Work Count
S Chandhiramowuli, AS Taylor, S Heitlinger, D Wang
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 8 (CSCW1), 1-26, 2024
Talking Plants and a Bug Hotel: Participatory Design of ludic encounters with an urban farming community
Queen Mary University of London, 2016
Designing More-than-Human Smart Cities: Beyond Sustainability, Towards Cohabitation
S Heitlinger, M Foth, R Clarke
Oxford University Press, 2024
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Articles 1–20