Ann E. Wilson-Daily
Cited by
Cited by
Teachers' motivation, classroom strategy use, students' motivation and second language achievement
M Bernaus, A Wilson, RC Gardner
Intergroup contact versus conflict in Catalan high schools: A multilevel analysis of adolescent attitudes toward immigration and diversity
AE Wilson-Daily, M Kemmelmeier, J Prats
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 64, 12-28, 2018
Exploring the secondary school experience of LGBT+ youth: an examination of school culture and school climate as understood by teachers and experienced by LGBT+ students
R Harris, AE Wilson-Daily, G Fuller
Intercultural Education 32 (4), 368–385, 2021
‘I just want to feel like I’m part of everyone else’: how schools unintentionally contribute to the isolation of students who identify as LGBT+
R Harris, AE Wilson-Daily, G Fuller
Cambridge Journal of Education 52 (2), 155-173, 2022
Educational Management Challenges for the 21 st Century
FR Tarragó, AE Wilson
Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society: IFIP TC 3 International …, 2010
Youth perceptions of voting participation in the midst of Catalonia’s active struggle for independence
AE Wilson-Daily, M Kemmelmeier
Youth & Society 53 (1), 76-103, 2021
Generación de iconografía didáctica a partir de recreación histórica y 3D. El caso de la Guerra Civil Española [Generation of didactic iconography through historical …
FX Hernàndez-Cardona, M Feliu-Torruella, R Sospedra, ...
ENSAYOS. Revista de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete 34 (1), 67-82, 2019
Interpreting differences in parental encouragement to learn the host language: California and Catalonia compared
AE Wilson
Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature 5 (3), 44-56, 2012
Engagement Project: Elements for a reformulation of the Tutorial Action Plan of the Teacher Training degrees at the University of Barcelona/Proyecto Engagement: Elementos para …
D Calderón-Garrido, J Gustems-Carnicer, ME Arús, A Ayuste-Gonzalez, ...
Cultura y Educacion 31 (1), 188-197, 2019
¿ Aprender a votar?: una experiencia de educación política para alumnos de ESO
J Prats Cuevas, AE Wilson
Iber: Didáctica de las ciencias sociales, geografía e historia 75, 7-17, 2013
Key competencies: developing an instrument for assessing trainee teachers’ understanding and views
AE Wilson-Daily, M Feliu-Torruella, M Romero Serra
Teacher Development 25 (4), 478-493, 2021
LGTBIQ+ en el instituto: revisando experiencias pasadas desde una perspectiva de género
AE Wilson-Daily, G Sebares-Valle, J Sabido-Codina, M Feliu-Torruella
REIDICS. Revista de Investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, 68-84, 2022
La batalla de la Fatarella, 1938. Museografia, iconografia, recreació i memòria. Un model transversal de recerca didàctica
R Sospedra, M Feliu, AE Wilson Daily, G Sebares, ...
Ebre 38. Revista Internacional sobre la Guerra Civil (1936-1939), 2018, vol …, 2018
Buscant Robert H. Merriman
F Xavier, DÍ Gracia, AE Wilson-Daily, GS Valle
Ebre 38: revista internacional de la Guerra Civil, 1936-1939, 169-181, 2020
Aprendre a votar amb les eleccions al Parlament Europeu. Una simulació innovadora del procés electoral dissenyada per a l'alumnat d'educació secundària
J Barriga-Ubed, E., Wilson-Daily, A. E., & Prats-Cuevas
REIRE Revista d'Innovació i Recerca en Educació 10 (1), 94-117, 2016
Dones de la República i la Guerra. Taller didàctic
I Boj-Cullell, M Feliu-Torruella, G Sebares-Valle, A Wilson-Daily, ...
Ebre 38: revista internacional de la Guerra Civil, 1936-1939 12 (12), 215-226, 2022
Language Learning Motivation and Attitudes among Immigrant Background Students: A mixed method approach comparing three secondary school contexts
AE Wilson
La evaluación de una experiencia de innovación educativa en secundaria de educación cívica participativa
AE Wilson, J Prats Cuevas, P Martínez i Àlvarez
XXIII Simposio Internacional Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Educar para …, 2012
Language Learning Motivation and Immigration: Comparing attitudes towards first, second, and foreign languages
A Wilson
L'educació lingüística i literària en entorns multilingües: recerca per a …, 2010
Revisiting past experiences of LGBTQ+-identifying students: an analysis framed by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
AE Wilson-Daily, R Harris, G Sebares-Valle, J Sabido-Codina
Sustainability 14 (23), 16213, 2022
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Articles 1–20