Moyen Mustaquim
Cited by
Cited by
A study of universal design in everyday life of elderly adults
MM Mustaquim
Procedia Computer Science 67, 57-66, 2015
Automatic speech recognition-an approach for designing inclusive games
MM Mustaquim
Multimedia tools and applications 66, 131-146, 2013
Sustainable information system design and the role of sustainable HCI
T Nyström, MM Mustaquim
Proceedings of the 18th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Media …, 2014
Ambient media today and tomorrow: What have ambient media in common? What are ambient media today? Where will ambient media be in 2020?
A Lugmayr, E Serral, A Scherp, B Pogorelc, M Mustaquim
Multimedia tools and applications 71, 7-37, 2014
Designing information systems for sustainability–the role of universal design and open innovation
MM Mustaquim, T Nyström
Advancing the Impact of Design Science: Moving from Theory to Practice: 9th …, 2014
Designing sustainable it system–from the perspective of universal design principles
MM Mustaquim, T Nyström
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods, Tools, and …, 2013
Designing Persuasive Systems for Sustainability-A cognitive Dissonance Model
MM Mustaquim, T Nyström
Twenty Second European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2014
A system development life cycle for persuasive design for sustainability
MM Mustaquim, T Nyström
Persuasive Technology: 10th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2015 …, 2015
Open sustainability innovation—a pragmatic standpoint of sustainable HCI
MM Mustaquim, T Nyström
Perspectives in Business Informatics Research: 13th International Conference …, 2014
Finding sustainability indicators for information system assessment
T Nyström, MM Mustaquim
Proceedings of the 19th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, 106-113, 2015
Video game control dimensionality analysis
MM Mustaquim, T Nyström
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Interactive Entertainment, 1-8, 2014
An inclusive framework for developing video games for learning
M Mustaquim, T Nyström
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning, 348-355, 2012
A reflection on interdisciplinarity research in universal design toward sustainability
MM Mustaquim
Universal Access in the Information Society 16 (1), 73-83, 2017
Design principles of open innovation concept–universal design viewpoint
MM Mustaquim, T Nyström
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods, Tools, and …, 2013
Assessment of universal design principles for analyzing computer games’ accessibility
MM Mustaquim
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 13th International Conference …, 2012
Gaze interaction–A challenge for inclusive design
M Mustaquim
International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, 244-250, 2011
Exploring sustainable hci research dimensions through the inclusive innovation framework
T Nyström, M Mustaquim
This Changes Everything–ICT and Climate Change: What Can We Do? 13th IFIP TC …, 2018
Some aspects of using universal design as a redesign strategy for sustainability
MM Mustaquim, T Nyström
Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics: Stability, Continuity …, 2017
Philosophy of universal game design
M Mustaquim
4th Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME) Workshop in Conjunction with …, 2011
A systems thinking model for open source software development in social media
MM Mustaquim
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Modeling Social Media, 1-2, 2010
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Articles 1–20