The current landscape of learning analytics in higher education O Viberg, M Hatakka, O Bälter, A Mavroudi Computers in human behavior 89, 98-110, 2018 | 841 | 2018 |
Supporting adaptive learning pathways through the use of learning analytics: developments, challenges and future opportunities A Mavroudi, M Giannakos, J Krogstie Interactive Learning Environments 26 (2), 206-220, 2018 | 131 | 2018 |
Validating an Instrument to Measure Teachers’ Preparedness to Use Digital Technology in their Teaching O Viberg, A Mavroudi, M Khalil, O Bälter Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 15 (1), 2020 | 69 | 2020 |
Designing IoT applications in lower secondary schools A Mavroudi, M Divitini, F Gianni, S Mora, DR Kvittem 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1120-1126, 2018 | 49 | 2018 |
Introducing e-TPCK: An adaptive e-learning technology for the development of teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge C Angeli, N Valanides, A Mavroudi, A Christodoulou, K Georgiou Technological pedagogical content knowledge: Exploring, developing, and …, 2015 | 48 | 2015 |
Teachers’ views regarding learning analytics usage based on the technology acceptance model A Mavroudi, S Papadakis, I Ioannou TechTrends 65 (3), 278-287, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |
Faculty pedagogical developers as enablers of technology enhanced learning O Viberg, O Bälter, B Hedin, E Riese, A Mavroudi British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (5), 2637-2650, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Learning needs analysis of collaborative e-classes in semi-formal settings: The REVIT example A Mavroudi, T Hadzilacos International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 14 (5 …, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
Profiling of English language teachers as trainees in an online course and ensuing implications A Mavroudi, D Tsagari Computers & Education 126, 1-12, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Historical overview of adaptive e-learning approaches focusing on the underlying pedagogy A Mavroudi, T Hadzilacos State-of-the-art and future directions of smart learning, 115-121, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Exploring internet of things, mobile computing and ubiquitous computing in computer science education: A systematic mapping study O Fragou, A Mavroudi IJTES, International Journal of Technology in Education & Science, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Early history of Hungarian ballet in virtual reality A Gil, M Anna, K Chmielewska 2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
The Role of Ubiquitous Computing and the Internet of Things for Developing 21st Century Skills Among Learners: Experts’ Views O Viberg, A Mavroudi Lifelong Technology-Enhanced Learning: 13th European Conference on …, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Reducing free riding: CLASS–a system for collaborative learning assessment O Viberg, A Mavroudi, Y Fernaeus, C Bogdan, J Laaksolahti Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 9th …, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Supporting second language learners’ development of affective self-regulated learning skills through the use and design of mobile technology O Viberg, A Mavroudi, Y Ma Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education: 15th European Conference …, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Teacher-led design of an adaptive learning environment A Mavroudi, T Hadzilacos, D Kalles, A Gregoriades Interactive Learning Environments 24 (8), 1996-2010, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Game-based learning for iot: the tiles inventor toolkit A Mavroudi, M Divitini, S Mora, F Gianni Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning: Proceedings of …, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
A card game for designing activities for technology-enhanced learning in higher education A Mavroudi, T Almeida, S Frennert, J Laaksolahti, O Viberg Education and Information Technologies 27 (2), 2367-2383, 2022 | 11 | 2022 |
Motivating students with Mobiles, Ubiquitous applications and the Internet of Things for STEM (MUMI4STEM) A Mavroudi, AA Economides, O Fragkou, SA Nikou, M Divitini, ... 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 37-38, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
Adaptable learning and learning analytics: A case study in a programming course H Trætteberg, A Mavroudi, M Giannakos, J Krogstie Adaptive and Adaptable Learning: 11th European Conference on Technology …, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |