Mķnica García Melķn
Mķnica García Melķn
Catedrática de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Investigadora en INGENIO.
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A combined ANP-delphi approach to evaluate sustainable tourism
M García-Melķn, T Gķmez-Navarro, S Acuņa-Dutra
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 34, 41-50, 2012
How to assess stakeholders' influence in project management? A proposal based on the Analytic Network Process
P Aragonés-Beltrán, M García-Melķn, J Montesinos-Valera
International journal of project management 35 (3), 451-462, 2017
Application of multicriteria decision analysis to jar-test results for chemicals selection in the physical–chemical treatment of textile wastewater
P Aragonés-Beltrán, JA Mendoza-Roca, A Bes-Piá, M García-Melķn, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 164 (1), 288-295, 2009
Farmland appraisal based on the analytic network process
M Garcia-Melon, J Ferris-Onate, J Aznar-Bellver, P Aragonés-Beltran, ...
Journal of Global Optimization 42, 143-155, 2008
Valuation of urban industrial land: An analytic network process approach
P Aragonés-Beltrán, J Aznar, J Ferrís-Oņate, M García-Melķn
European Journal of Operational Research 185 (1), 322-339, 2008
An AHP-based evaluation procedure for Innovative Educational Projects: A face-to-face vs. computer-mediated case study
MG Melķn, PA Beltran, MCG Cruz
Omega 36 (5), 754-765, 2008
An environmental pressure index proposal for urban development planning based on the analytic network process
T Gķmez-Navarro, M García-Melķn, S Acuņa-Dutra, D Díaz-Martín
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 29 (5), 319-329, 2009
Setting competitiveness indicators using BSC and ANP
R Poveda-Bautista, DC Baptista, M García-Melķn
International Journal of Production Research 50 (17), 4738-4752, 2012
Modelling of plate finned tube evaporators and condensers working with R134a
JM Corberán, MG Melon
International journal of refrigeration 21 (4), 273-284, 1998
Modeling decision making as a support tool for policy making on renewable energy development
M Cannemi, M García-Melķn, P Aragonés-Beltrán, T Gķmez-Navarro
Energy policy 67, 127-137, 2014
A Project Strategic Index proposal for portfolio selection in electrical company based on the Analytic Network Process
A Smith-Perera, M García-Melķn, R Poveda-Bautista, JP Pastor-Ferrando
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (6), 1569-1579, 2010
University objectives and socioeconomic results: A multicriteria measuring of alignment
FA Cortés-Aldana, M Garcia-Melon, I Fernandez-de-Lucio, ...
European journal of operational research 199 (3), 811-822, 2009
Combining Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with role-playing games for stakeholder engagement in complex transport decisions
M Ignaccolo, G Inturri, M García-Melķn, N Giuffrida, M Le Pira, V Torrisi
Transportation Research Procedia 27, 500-507, 2017
Using the strategic relative alignment index for the selection of portfolio projects application to a public Venezuelan Power Corporation
M García-Melķn, R Poveda-Bautista
International Journal of Production Economics 170, 54-66, 2015
Decision-making for the selection of a best wood extraction method: An analytic network process approach
A Jaafari, A Najafi, MG Melķn
Forest Policy and Economics 50, 200-209, 2015
Closing the gender gap at academic conferences: a tool for monitoring and assessing academic events
C Corona-Sobrino, M García-Melķn, R Poveda-Bautista, ...
PLoS One 15 (12), e0243549, 2020
Assessing mutual funds’ corporate social responsibility: A multistakeholder-AHP based methodology
M García-Melķn, B Pérez-Gladish, T Gķmez-Navarro, ...
Annals of Operations Research 244 (2), 475-503, 2016
An ANP-and AHP-based approach for weighting criteria in public works bidding
JP Pastor-Ferrando, P Aragonés-Beltrán, A Hospitaler-Pérez, ...
Journal of the Operational Research Society 61 (6), 905-916, 2010
Assessing the communication quality of CSR reports. A case study on four spanish food companies
A Baviera-Puig, T Gķmez-Navarro, M García-Melķn, G García-Martínez
Sustainability 7 (8), 11010-11031, 2015
Planning for Pedestrians with a participatory multicriteria approach
H Gonzalez-Urango, G Inturri, M Le Pira, M García-Melķn
Journal of Urban Planning and Development 146 (3), 05020007, 2020
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