Liu Kwang-Ming
Liu Kwang-Ming
Professor of Marine Affairs and Resource Management, National Taiwan Ocean University
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Half a century of global decline in oceanic sharks and rays
N Pacoureau, CL Rigby, PM Kyne, RB Sherley, H Winker, JK Carlson, ...
Nature 589 (7843), 567-571, 2021
Age, growth, and reproduction of the pelagic thresher shark, Alopias pelagicus in the Northwestern Pacific
KM Liu, CT Chen, TH Liao, SJ Joung
Copeia, 68-74, 1999
Bycatch and discards by Taiwanese large-scale tuna longline fleets in the Indian Ocean
HW Huang, KM Liu
Fisheries Research 106 (3), 261-270, 2010
Age and growth estimates of the bigeye thresher shark
KM Liu, PJ Chiang, CT Chen
Alopias superciliosus, in northeastern Taiwan waters. Fish Bull 96, 482-491, 1998
Age, growth, and reproduction of silky sharks, Carcharhinus falciformis, in northeastern Taiwan waters
SJ Joung, CT Chen, HH Lee, KM Liu
Fisheries Research 90 (1-3), 78-85, 2008
Preliminary report on Taiwan’s whale shark fishery
CT Chen, KM Liu, SJ Joung
Elasmobranch Biodiversity, Conservation and Management: Proceedings of the …, 2002
Reproductive biology of the bigeye thresher shark,Alopias superciliosus (Lowe, 1839) (Chondrichthyes: Alopiidae), in the northwestern Pacific
CT Chen, KM Liu, YC Chang
Ichthyological Research 44, 227-235, 1997
Sphyrna lewini
CL Rigby, NK Dulvy, R Barreto, J Carlson, D Fernando, S Fordham, ...
The IUCN red list of threatened species 2019, 2019
Distribution patterns and population structure of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
R Coelho, J Mejuto, A Domingo, K Yokawa, KM Liu, E Cortés, ...
Fish and Fisheries 19 (1), 90-106, 2018
Satellite tracking of juvenile whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, in the Northwestern Pacific
HH Hsu, SJ Joung, YY Liao, KM Liu
Fisheries Research 84 (1), 25-31, 2007
Isurus oxyrinchus
CL Rigby, R Barreto, J Carlson, D Fernando, S Fordham, MP Francis, ...
The IUCN red list of threatened species, 2019-1, 2019
Age, growth, and reproduction of the spinner shark, Carcharhinus brevipinna, in the northeastern waters of Taiwan
SJ Joung, YY Liao, KM Liu, CT Chen, LC Leu
Zoological studies 44 (1), 102-110, 2005
Bioenergetic modelling of effects of fertilization, stocking density, and spawning on growth of the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.)
KM Liu, WYB Chang
Aquaculture Research 23 (3), 291-301, 1992
Age and growth estimates of the sharptail mola, Masturus lanceolatus, in waters of eastern Taiwan
KM Liu, ML Lee, SJ Joung, YC Chang
Fisheries Research 95 (2-3), 154-160, 2009
Stock assessment of the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean using per recruit and virtual population analyses
JH Chang, KM Liu
Fisheries Research 98 (1-3), 92-101, 2009
Demographic analysis of the pelagic thresher shark, Alopias pelagicus, in the north-western Pacific using a stochastic stage-based model
WP Tsai, KM Liu, SJ Joung
Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (9), 1056-1066, 2010
Fisheries, management and conservation of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in Taiwan
HH Hsu, SJ Joung, KM Liu
Journal of Fish Biology 80 (5), 1595-1607, 2012
Age and growth estimates of the whitespotted bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium plagiosum, in the northern waters of Taiwan
WK Chen, PC Chen, KM Liu, SB Wang
Zoological studies 46 (1), 92-102, 2007
Demographic analysis of the scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, in the northwestern Pacific
KM Liu, CT Chen
Fisheries science 65 (2), 218-223, 1999
Age and growth of the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in the north-western Pacific
HH Hsu, SJ Joung, RE Hueter, KM Liu
Marine and Freshwater Research 65 (12), 1145-1154, 2014
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Articles 1–20