Diego Pasqualin
Diego Pasqualin
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Cited by
A case study of the aggregation query model in read-mostly NoSQL document stores
D Pasqualin, G Souza, EL Buratti, EC de Almeida, MD Del Fabro, ...
Proceedings of the 20th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2016
Transparency meets management: A monitoring and evaluating tool for governmental projects
C Trois, D Weingaertner, D Pasqualin, E Maciel, E Almeida, F Silva, ...
2017 IEEE/ACS 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2017
SFREEMAP-A simulation-free tool for stochastic mapping
D Pasqualin, M Barbeitos, F Silva
BMC bioinformatics 18, 1-8, 2017
SDI-Sistema de Diagnóstico Instantâneo
BC Ribas, DG Pasqualin, VK Ruoso, M Castilho, F Silva, LCE de Bona
Workshop de Software Livre, 2009
Open data analytic querying using a relation-free api
LF de Oliveira, A Elias, F Santore, D Pasqualin, LCE Bona, M Sunyé, ...
22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2020
Blended Integrated Open Data: dados abertos p\'ublicos integrados
F Santore, LF Oliveira, RP Dias, HV Ehrenfried, A Elias, D Pasqualin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.00743, 2019
Integraçao e Análise das Despesas do Governo Federal
C Weiland, D Pasqualin, E Maciel, LCE de Bona, M Sunye
Anais do VI Workshop de Transparência em Sistemas, 2018
Proinfodata: Monitoring a large park of computational laboratories
CLB Possamai, D Pasqualin, D Weingaertner, E Todt, MA Castilho, ...
Open Source Software: Mobile Open Source Technologies: 10th IFIP WG 2.13 …, 2014
Dados de monitoramento de projetos de inclusao digital do ministério da ciência, tecnologia, inovaçoes e comunicaçoes
D Pasqualin, E Maciel, LCE de Bona, L Oliveira, M Sunye
SBBD Proceedings: Satellite Events of the 32nd Brazilian Symposium on …, 2017
Package ‘sfreemap’
D Pasqualin, MD Pasqualin, LT Rcpp
Sfreemap: mapeamento estocástico de árvores filogenéticas livres de simualações
DG Pasqualin
Sistema de Reputaçao e Ranqueamento para Redes Sociais Aplicado ao Participatório
D Gomes, D Pasqualin, F Silva, LCE de Bona, M Strey
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Articles 1–12