Tommy Elfving
Tommy Elfving
professor in Computational Mathematics, Linkoping University
Verifierad e-postadress på mai.liu.se
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A multiprojection algorithm using Bregman projections in a product space
Y Censor, T Elfving
Numerical Algorithms 8, 221-239, 1994
The multiple-sets split feasibility problem and its applications for inverse problems
Y Censor, T Elfving, N Kopf, T Bortfeld
Inverse problems 21 (6), 2071, 2005
Accelerated projection methods for computing pseudoinverse solutions of systems of linear equations
Å Björck, T Elfving
BIT Numerical Mathematics 19, 145-163, 1979
Block-iterative methods for consistent and inconsistent linear equations
T Elfving
Numerische Mathematik 35, 1-12, 1980
Block-iterative algorithms with diagonally scaled oblique projections for the linear feasibility problem
Y Censor, T Elfving
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 24 (1), 40-58, 2002
On diagonally relaxed orthogonal projection methods
Y Censor, T Elfving, GT Herman, T Nikazad
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (1), 473-504, 2008
Averaging strings of sequential iterations for convex feasibility problems
Y Censor, T Elfving, GT Herman
Studies in computational mathematics 8, 101-113, 2001
Semi-convergence and relaxation parameters for a class of SIRT algorithms
Elfving, ,Nikazad, ,Hansen
Electronic Transactions of Numerical Analysis 37, 321-336, 2010
Stability of conjugate gradient and Lanczos methods for linear least squares problems
Å Björck, T Elfving, Z Strakos
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 19 (3), 720-736, 1998
New methods for linear inequalities
Y Censor, T Elfving
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 42, 199-211, 1982
On some methods for entropy maximization and matrix scaling
T Elfving
Linear algebra and its applications 34, 321-339, 1980
Semi-convergence properties of Kaczmarz’s method
T Elfving, PC Hansen, T Nikazad
Inverse problems 30 (5), 055007, 2014
Quadratic optimization for image reconstruction, II
E Artzy, T Elfving, GT Herman
Computer Graphics and Image Processing 11 (3), 242-261, 1979
An algorithm for computing constrained smoothing spline functions
T Elfving, LE Andersson
Numerische Mathematik 52, 583-595, 1987
Solution of biharmonic equations with application to radar imaging
LE Andersson, T Elfving, GH Golub
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 94 (2), 153-180, 1998
Algorithms for confluent Vandermonde systems
Å Björck, T Elfving
Numerische Mathematik 21, 130-137, 1973
The application of an oblique-projected Landweber method to a model of supervised learning
B Johansson, T Elfving, V Kozlov, Y Censor, PE Forssén, G Granlund
Mathematical and computer modelling 43 (7-8), 892-909, 2006
Stopping rules for Landweber-type iteration
T Elfving, T Nikazad
Inverse Problems 23 (4), 1417, 2007
On iterative methods for linearly constrained entropy maximization
Y Censor, AR De-Pierro, T Elfving, GT Herman, AN Iusem
Banach Center Publications 24 (1), 145-163, 1990
Criteria for copositive matrices using simplices and barycentric coordinates
LE Andersson, G Chang, T Elfving
Linear Algebra and its Applications 220, 9-30, 1995
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