Xiaohui Cai(蔡晓辉)
Cited by
Cited by
Active capacitive sensing: Exploring a new wearable sensing modality for activity recognition
J Cheng, O Amft, P Lukowicz
International conference on pervasive computing, 319-336, 2010
Smart-mat: Recognizing and counting gym exercises with low-cost resistive pressure sensing matrix
M Sundholm, J Cheng, B Zhou, A Sethi, P Lukowicz
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2014
Smart-surface: Large scale textile pressure sensors arrays for activity recognition
J Cheng, M Sundholm, B Zhou, M Hirsch, P Lukowicz
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 30, 97-112, 2016
Smart table surface: A novel approach to pervasive dining monitoring
B Zhou, J Cheng, M Sundholm, A Reiss, W Huang, O Amft, P Lukowicz
2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2015
Designing sensitive wearable capacitive sensors for activity recognition
J Cheng, O Amft, G Bahle, P Lukowicz
IEEE sensors journal 13 (10), 3935-3947, 2013
Smart Textiles: From Niche to Mainstream
GT Jingyuan Cheng, Paul Lukowicz, Niels Henze, Albrecht Schmidt, Oliver Amft ...
IEEE Pervaisve Computing 12, 81-84, 2013
Never skip leg day: A novel wearable approach to monitoring gym leg exercises
B Zhou, M Sundholm, J Cheng, H Cruz, P Lukowicz
2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2016
Activity recognition and nutrition monitoring in every day situations with a textile capacitive neckband
J Cheng, B Zhou, K Kunze, CC Rheinländer, S Wille, N Wehn, J Weppner, ...
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing …, 2013
From smart clothing to smart table cloth: Design and implementation of a large scale, textile pressure matrix sensor
B Zhou, J Cheng, M Sundholm, P Lukowicz
Architecture of Computing Systems–ARCS 2014: 27th International Conference …, 2014
Measuring muscle activities during gym exercises with textile pressure mapping sensors
B Zhou, M Sundholm, J Cheng, H Cruz, P Lukowicz
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 38, 331-345, 2017
Smart chair: What can simple pressure sensors under the chairs legs tell us about user activity
J Cheng, B Zhou, M Sundholm, P Lukowicz
UBICOMM13: The Seventh International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous …, 2013
VxWorks 软件开发项目实例完全解析
中国电力出版社, 2005
The carpet knows: Identifying people in a smart environment from a single step
B Zhou, MS Singh, S Doda, M Yildirim, J Cheng, P Lukowicz
2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2017
On the tip of my tongue: a non-invasive pressure-based tongue interface
J Cheng, A Okoso, K Kunze, N Henze, A Schmidt, P Lukowicz, K Kise
Proceedings of the 5th Augmented Human International Conference, 1-4, 2014
On-body sensing: From gesture-based input to activity-driven interaction
P Lukowicz, OD Amft, D Roggen, J Cheng
Computer 43 (10), 92-96, 2010
Hands-free gesture control with a capacitive textile neckband
M Hirsch, J Cheng, A Reiss, M Sundholm, P Lukowicz, O Amft
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 55-58, 2014
Monitoring dietary behavior with a smart dining tray
B Zhou, J Cheng, P Lukowicz, A Reiss, O Amft
IEEE Pervasive Computing 14 (4), 46-56, 2015
Smart-sleeve: A wearable textile pressure sensor array for human activity recognition
G Xu, Q Wan, W Deng, T Guo, J Cheng
Sensors 22 (5), 1702, 2022
Recognizing subtle user activities and person identity with cheap resistive pressure sensing carpet
J Cheng, M Sundholm, B Zhou, M Kreil, P Lukowicz
2014 International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 148-153, 2014
High accuracy estimationalgorithmfor4parametersofsine wave
犑狅狌狉狀犪犾狅犳犝 狀犻狏犲狉狊犻狋狔狅犳犛犮犻犲狀犮犲犪狀犱犜犲犮犺狀狅 …, 2006
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Articles 1–20