Daragh Sibley
Daragh Sibley
Haskins Laboratories
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Cited by
Individual differences in visual word recognition: insights from the English Lexicon Project.
MJ Yap, DA Balota, DE Sibley, R Ratcliff
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 38 (1), 53, 2012
The relationship between phonological and auditory processing and brain organization in beginning readers
KR Pugh, N Landi, JL Preston, WE Mencl, AC Austin, D Sibley, ...
Brain and language 125 (2), 173-183, 2013
Instructional characteristics and motivational features of a PC-based game
J Belanich, DE Sibley, KL Orvis
US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 2004
Responding to nonwords in the lexical decision task: Insights from the English Lexicon Project.
MJ Yap, DE Sibley, DA Balota, R Ratcliff, J Rueckl
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 41 (3), 597, 2015
Impact of dialect use on a basic component of learning to read
MC Brown, DE Sibley, JA Washington, TT Rogers, JR Edwards, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 196, 2015
Large‐Scale Modeling of Wordform Learning and Representation
DE Sibley, CT Kello, DC Plaut, JL Elman
Cognitive science 32 (4), 741-754, 2008
Using artificial intelligence to design a product
ES Boyle, D Sibley
US Patent 11,144,845, 2021
Learning orthographic and phonological representations in models of monosyllabic and bisyllabic naming
DE Sibley, CT Kello, MS Seidenberg
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 22 (5), 650-668, 2010
Error, error everywhere: A look at megastudies of word reading
C Kello, M Seidenber, D Sibley
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 31 (31), 2009
Dissociations in Performance on Novel Versus Irregular Items: Single‐Route Demonstrations With Input Gain in Localist and Distributed Models
CT Kello, DE Sibley, DC Plaut
Cognitive science 29 (4), 627-654, 2005
PC-based game features that influence instruction and learner motivation
J Belanich, KL Orvis, DE Sibley
Military Psychology 25 (3), 206-217, 2013
Using artificial intelligence to determine a value for a variable size component
Z Yu, IA Hepworth, DE Sibley
US Patent 10,984,342, 2021
A computational exploration of double dissociations: Modes of processing instead of components of processing
DE Sibley, CT Kello
Cognitive Systems Research 6 (1), 61-69, 2005
Sequence Encoders Enable Large‐Scale Lexical Modeling: Reply to Bowers and Davis (2009)
DE Sibley, CT Kello, DC Plaut, JL Elman
Cognitive Science 33 (7), 1187-1191, 2009
Using Simple Recurrent Networks to Learn Fixed-Length Representations of Variable-Length Strings.
CT Kello, DE Sibley, A Colombi
AAAI Technical Report (3), 35-39, 2004
Maximizing Training Effectiveness Using PC-Based Games
J Belanich, K Orvis, D Sibley
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2003
Detection of fashion trends and seasonal cycles through the analysis of implicit and explicit client feedback
R Sanchis-Ojeda, D Sibley, P Massimi
KDD Fashion Workshop, 2016
Learning representations of orthographic word forms
CT Kello, DE Sibley
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 28 (28), 2006
Dissociations between regularities and irregularities in language processing: Computational demonstrations without separable processing components
DE Sibley, CT Kello
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 26 (26), 2004
Learned orthographic representations facilitates large-scale modeling of word recognition
DE Sibley, CT Kello
Visual Word Recognition Volume 1, 28-51, 2012
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Articles 1–20