Harith Farooq
Harith Farooq
Lúrio University, Mozambique
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CoordinateCleaner: Standardized cleaning of occurrence records from biological collection databases
A Zizka, D Silvestro, T Andermann, J Azevedo, C Duarte Ritter, D Edler, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2019
The taxonomic impediment: a shortage of taxonomists, not the lack of technical approaches
MS Engel, LMP Ceríaco, GM Daniel, PM Dellapé, I Löbl, M Marinov, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 193 (2), 381-387, 2021
Endemism patterns are scale dependent
BH Daru, H Farooq, A Antonelli, S Faurby
Nature Communications 11 (1), 2115, 2020
Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Threats and opportunities
H Ralimanana, AL Perrigo, RJ Smith, JS Borrell, S Faurby, MT Rajaonah, ...
Science 378 (6623), eadf1466, 2022
Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Evolution, distribution, and use
A Antonelli, RJ Smith, AL Perrigo, A Crottini, J Hackel, W Testo, H Farooq, ...
Science 378 (6623), eabf0869, 2022
Climate change policies and agendas: Facing implementation challenges and guiding responses
F Alves, W Leal Filho, P Casaleiro, GJ Nagy, H Diaz, AQ Al-Amin, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 104, 190-198, 2020
The phylogenetic position and diversity of the enigmatic mongrel frog Nothophryne Poynton, 1963 (Amphibia, Anura)
GB Bittencourt-Silva, W Conradie, K Siu-Ting, KA Tolley, A Channing, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 99, 89-102, 2016
Assessing university student perceptions and comprehension of climate change (Portugal, Mexico and Mozambique)
F Morgado, P Bacelar-Nicolau, J Rendon von Osten, P Santos, ...
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 9 (03 …, 2017
Snakebite incidence in rural sub-Saharan Africa might be severely underestimated
H Farooq, C Bero, Y Guilengue, C Elias, Y Massingue, I Mucopote, ...
Toxicon 219, 106932, 2022
Mapping Africa’s biodiversity: More of the same is just not good enough
H Farooq, JAR Azevedo, A Soares, A Antonelli, S Faurby
Systematic Biology 70 (3), 623-633, 2021
WEGE: A new metric for ranking locations for biodiversity conservation
H Farooq, J Anderson, F Belluardo, C Nanvonamuquitxo, D Bennett, ...
Divers Distrib., 1-11, 2020
New species of Mongrel Frogs (Pyxicephalidae: Nothophryne) for northern Mozambique inselbergs
W Conradie, GB Bittencourt-Silva, HM Farooq, SP Loader, M Menegon, ...
African journal of herpetology 67 (1), 61-85, 2018
People-inspired names remain valuable
A Antonelli, H Farooq, M Colli-Silva, JPM Araújo, AVL Freitas, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (8), 1161-1162, 2023
Shifts to open access with high article processing charges hinder research equity and careers
JW Williams, A Taylor, KA Tolley, DB Provete, R Correia, TB Guedes, ...
Journal of Biogeography, 2023
Description of a new flat gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae: Afroedura) from Mount Gorongosa, Mozambique
WR Branch, JA Guyton, A Schmitz, MF Barej, P Naskrecki, H Farooq, ...
Zootaxa 4324 (1), 142-160, 2017
A call for improving the Key Biodiversity Areas framework
H Farooq, A Antonelli, S Faurby
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 21 (1), 85-91, 2023
Shedding light on a biodiversity dark spot: Survey of amphibians and reptiles of Pemba region In northern Mozambique
H Farooq, C Nanvonamuquitxo, B Nassongole, W Conradie, R Bills, ...
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 17 (2), 423-432, 2022
Species perceived to be dangerous are more likely to have distinctive local names
H Farooq, C Bero, Y Guilengue, C Elias, Y Massingue, I Mucopote, ...
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 17 (1), 1-11, 2021
CoordinateCleaner: automated cleaning of occurrence records from biological collections
A Zizka, D Silvestro, T Andermann, J Azevedo, CD Ritter, D Edler, ...
R package v1. 0.7, 2018
Second record of a Scolecomorphus kirkii Boulenger, 1883 (Gymnophiona: Scolecomorphidae) for Mozambique
HOM Farooq, W Conradie
Herpetology Notes 8, 59-62, 2015
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Articles 1–20