Ying Zhang
Ying Zhang
MonetDB Solutions
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Cited by
Cited by
Computational pan-genomics: status, promises and challenges
Computational Pan-Genomics Consortium
Briefings in Bioinformatics, bbw089, 2016
SRBench: a streaming RDF/SPARQL benchmark
Y Zhang, PM Duc, O Corcho, JP Calbimonte
International Semantic Web Conference, 641-657, 2012
SciQL: bridging the gap between science and relational DBMS
Y Zhang, M Kersten, M Ivanova, N Nes
Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on International Database Engineering …, 2011
SciQL, a query language for science applications
M Kersten, Y Zhang, M Ivanova, N Nes
Proceedings of the EDBT/ICDT 2011 Workshop on Array Databases, 1-12, 2011
SciQL: Array data processing inside an RDBMS
Y Zhang, M Kersten, S Manegold
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2013
The exanest project: Interconnects, storage, and packaging for exascale systems
M Katevenis, N Chrysos, M Marazakis, I Mavroidis, F Chaix, N Kallimanis, ...
Digital System Design (DSD), 2016 Euromicro Conference on, 60-67, 2016
XRPC: interoperable and efficient distributed XQuery
Y Zhang, P Boncz
Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Very large data bases …, 2007
Column Store for GWAC: A High-cadence, High-density, Large-scale Astronomical Light Curve Pipeline and Distributed Shared-nothing Database
M Wan, C Wu, J Wang, Y Qiu, L Xin, S Mullender, H Mühleisen, B Scheers, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 128 (969), 114501, 2016
Virtual denormalization via array index reference for main memory OLAP
Y Zhang, X Zhou, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, M Su, S Wang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (4), 1061-1074, 2016
TELEIOS: a database-powered virtual earth observatory
M Koubarakis, M Datcu, C Kontoes, U Di Giammatteo, S Manegold, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 5 (12), 2010-2013, 2012
Genome sequence analysis with monetdb: a case study on ebola virus diversity
R Cijvat, S Manegold, ML Kersten, GW Klau, A Schönhuth, T Marschall, ...
Joint Workshop on Data Management for Science (DMS2015@BTW2015) 242, 143-150, 2015
Efficient distribution of full-fledged XQuery
Y Zhang, N Tang, P Boncz
Data Engineering, 2009. ICDE'09. IEEE 25th International Conference on, 565-576, 2009
Data vaults: Database technology for scientific file repositories
M Ivanova, M Kersten, S Manegold, Y Kargin
Computing in Science & Engineering 15 (3), 32-42, 2013
Data vaults: a database welcome to scientific file repositories
M Ivanova, Y Kargin, M Kersten, S Manegold, Y Zhang, M Datcu, ...
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Scientific and …, 2013
IDEL: In-Database Entity Linking with Neural Embeddings
T Kilias, A Löser, FA Gers, R Koopmanschap, Y Zhang, M Kersten
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.04884, 2018
Lazy ETL in action: ETL technology dates scientific data
Y Kargín, M Ivanova, Y Zhang, S Manegold, M Kersten
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (12), 1286-1289, 2013
Array QL syntax
KT Lim, D Maier, J Becla, M Kersten, Y Zhang, M Stonebraker
Technical report, XLDB, 2012. http://www. xldb. org/wp-content/uploads/2012 …, 2013
XRPC: distributed XQuery and update processing with heterogeneous XQuery engines
Y Zhang, P Boncz
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2008
Distributed XQuery and updates processing with heterogeneous XQuery engines
Y Zhang, PA Boncz
SIGMOD, 1331-1336, 2008
Astronomical data processing using SciQL, an SQL based query language for array data
Y Zhang, B Scheers, M Kersten, M Ivanova, N Nes
Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series 461, 729-732, 2012
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Articles 1–20