Sarwar Morshed
Sarwar Morshed
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Cited by
TR-MAC: An energy-efficient MAC protocol exploiting transmitted reference modulation for wireless sensor networks
S Morshed, G Heijenk
Proceedings of the 17th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis …, 2014
Traffic-adaptive duty cycle adaptation in TR-MAC protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
S Morshed, M Baratchi, G Heijenk
2016 Wireless Days (WD), 1-6, 2016
A multi-channel multiple access scheme using frequency offsets—Modelling and analysis
S Morshed, M Baratchi, PK Mandal, G Heijenk
2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2016
TR-MAC: an energy-efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks exploiting noise-based transmitted reference modulation
S Morshed, G Heijenk
2nd Joint ERCIM eMobility and MobiSense Workshop 2013, 58-71, 2013
Optimization and verification of the tr-mac protocol for wireless sensor networks
S Morshed, G Heijenk
Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 13th International Conference, WWIC …, 2015
Towards public key infrastructure less authentication in session initiation protocol
AA Hasib, A Azfar, S Morshed
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 7 (1), 3777-3787, 2010
Energy-efficient medium access control for transmit reference modulation
S Morshed
Synchronization Performance in DVB-T2 system
MS Morshed
A Simplified Process for Grid Job Migration
A Azfar, S Morshed, Z Islam, ASSMB Ullah, AMK Pathan
International Conference of Computer and Information Technology, 706-709, 2005
A new Energy-efficient MAC Protocol with Noise-based Transmitted-Reference Modulation for Wireless Sensor Network
S Morshed, G Heijenk, A Meijerink, D Ye, R van der Zee, M Bentum
15th Sensor Technology Conference Sense of Contact 2013, 1-2, 2013
Noise based transmitted reference modulation for wireless sensor networks
M Mahboob, A Meijerink, S Morshed, G Heijenk, MJ Bentum
14th Sensor Technology Conference Sense of Contact 2012: Sensors and Robots, 2012
Susceptible SQL Detector (SSD) – a parser-based security solution to prevent SQL-injection attack
S Morshed, ARM Kamal, ASSMB Ullah
International Conference of Computer and Information Technology, 1229-1233, 2005
Scientific Appendix of
S Morshed
TR-MAC: An Energy-efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
S Morshed, G Heijenk
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Articles 1–14