Toni Moreno
Toni Moreno
Harvard Business School
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Cited by
Integration of online and offline channels in retail: The impact of sharing reliable inventory availability information
S Gallino, A Moreno
Management Science 60 (6), 1434-1451, 2014
Offline showrooms in omnichannel retail: Demand and operational benefits
DR Bell, S Gallino, A Moreno
Management Science 64 (4), 1629-1651, 2018
How to Win in an Omnichannel World
D Bell, S Gallino, A Moreno
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2014
The operational value of social media information
R Cui, S Gallino, A Moreno, DJ Zhang
Production and operations management 27 (10), 1749-1769, 2018
Channel integration, sales dispersion, and inventory management
S Gallino, A Moreno, I Stamatopoulos
Management Science 63 (9), 2813-2831, 2017
Operations in the on-demand economy: Staffing services with self-scheduling capacity
I Gurvich, M Lariviere, A Moreno
Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand, 249-278, 2019
Pros vs joes: Agent pricing behavior in the sharing economy
J Li, A Moreno, D Zhang
Ross School of Business Paper, 2016
Doing business with strangers: Reputation in online service marketplaces
A Moreno, C Terwiesch
Information Systems Research 25 (4), 865-886, 2014
Showrooms and information provision in omni‐channel retail
D Bell, S Gallino, A Moreno
Production and Operations Management 24 (3), 360-362, 2015
The value of fit information in online retail: Evidence from a randomized field experiment
S Gallino, A Moreno
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20 (4), 767-787, 2018
Customer supercharging in experience-centric channels
DR Bell, S Gallino, A Moreno
Management Science 66 (9), 4096-4107, 2020
Pricing and production flexibility: An empirical analysis of the US automotive industry
A Moreno, C Terwiesch
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 17 (4), 428-444, 2015
The store is dead-long live the store
D Bell, S Gallino, A Moreno, J Yoder, D Ueda
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
Web customer modeling for automated session prioritization on high traffic sites
N Poggi, T Moreno, JL Berral, R Gavalda, J Torres
User Modeling 2007: 11th International Conference, UM 2007, Corfu, Greece …, 2007
The effects of menu costs on retail performance: Evidence from adoption of the electronic shelf label technology
I Stamatopoulos, A Bassamboo, A Moreno
Management Science 67 (1), 242-256, 2021
Need for speed: The impact of in-process delays on customer behavior in online retail
S Gallino, N Karacaoglu, A Moreno
Operations Research 71 (3), 876-894, 2023
Self-adaptive utility-based web session management
N Poggi, T Moreno, JL Berral, R Gavalda, J Torres
Computer Networks 53 (10), 1712-1721, 2009
The effects of product line breadth: Evidence from the automotive industry
A Moreno, C Terwiesch
Marketing Science 36 (2), 254-271, 2017
Agent pricing in the sharing economy: Evidence from Airbnb
J Li, A Moreno, DJ Zhang
Sharing economy: Making supply meet demand, 485-503, 2019
Automatic detection and banning of content stealing bots for e-commerce
N Poggi, JL Berral, T Moreno, R Gavalda, J Torres
NIPS 2007 workshop on machine learning in adversarial environments for …, 2007
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Articles 1–20