Kim Weyns
Kim Weyns
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Lund University
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A review of methods for evaluation of maturity models for process improvement
YYL Helgesson, M Höst, K Weyns
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 24 (4), 436-454, 2012
A review of research on risk analysis methods for IT systems
SM Sulaman, K Weyns, M Höst
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation and …, 2013
Free-riding in group work-mechanisms and countermeasures
PO Börjesson, A Hamidian, E Kubilinskas, U Richter, K Weyns, P Ödling
Pedagogiska inspirationskonferensen-Genombrottet, 2006
Dependability of IT systems in municipal emergency management
K Weyns, M Höst
Proceedings of the 6th International Information Systems for Crisis Response …, 2009
Sensitivity of software system reliability to usage profile changes
K Weyns, P Runeson
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1440-1444, 2007
A maturity model for IT dependability in emergency management
K Weyns, M Höst, YL Helgesson
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 11th International Conference …, 2010
Risk analysis for critical systems with reliability block diagrams
K Weyns, M Höst
9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2012
Case study on risk analysis for critical systems with reliability block diagrams
K Weyns, M Höst
10th International IT Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM …, 2013
Sensitivity of Website Reliability to Usage Profile Changes
K Weyns, M Host
The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability (ISSRE'07), 3-8, 2007
Free-riding in group work–mechanisms and countermeasures. 4: e Pedagogiska Inspirationskonferensen, Lund
PO Börjesson, A Hamidian, E Kubilinskas, U Richter, K Weyns, P Ödling
Service level agreements in Municipal IT dependability management
K Weyns, M Höst
IEEE 7th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2013
Identification of IT incidents for improved risk analysis by using machine learning
SM Sulaman, K Weyns, M Höst
2015 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2015
Evaluation of a Maturity Model for IT Dependability in Emergency Management
K Weyns, M Höst
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2012
IT Dependability Management in Governmental Organisations
K Weyns
Lund University, 2011
A correlation between beta degradation at room temperature versus beta degradation at stress temperature for determining the reliability of HBTs
E Sabin, J Scarpulla, E Kaneshiro, W Kim, D Eng, D Leung
Proc. GaAs MANTECH Digest, 2001
Institutional Repository of Lund University Found at: http://www. lu. se
L Wang, M Salewski, B Sundén
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 34 (2), 165-176, 2010
Dependability of IT Systems in Emergency Situations–Theory and Practice
K Weyns
Dependability of IT Systems in Emergency Management at Swedish Municipalities
K Weyns, M Höst
Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden, 33, 2007
Software Dependability under Emergency Conditions
K Weyns, P Runeson
The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, 2006
Sensitivity of system reliability to usage profile changes
K Weyns, P Runeson
Proceedings 5th Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in …, 2005
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Articles 1–20