Raymond Bond
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Cited by
Who uses mobile phone health apps and does use matter? A secondary data analytics approach
JK Carroll, A Moorhead, R Bond, WG LeBlanc, RJ Petrella, K Fiscella
Journal of medical Internet research 19 (4), e125, 2017
Usability testing of a healthcare chatbot: Can we use conventional methods to assess conversational user interfaces?
S Holmes, A Moorhead, R Bond, H Zheng, V Coates, M McTear
Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, 207-214, 2019
Towards a chatbot for digital counselling
G Cameron, D Cameron, G Megaw, R Bond, M Mulvenna, S O’Neill, ...
Proceedings of the 31st international BCS human computer interaction …, 2017
A low cost indoor positioning system using bluetooth low energy
L Bai, F Ciravegna, R Bond, M Mulvenna
Ieee Access 8, 136858-136871, 2020
System usability scale benchmarking for digital health apps: meta-analysis
M Hyzy, R Bond, M Mulvenna, L Bai, A Dix, S Leigh, S Hunt
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 10 (8), e37290, 2022
Using data mining to predict hospital admissions from the emergency department
B Graham, R Bond, M Quinn, M Mulvenna
IEEE Access 6, 10458-10469, 2018
Reliability of supervised machine learning using synthetic data in health care: Model to preserve privacy for data sharing
D Rankin, M Black, R Bond, J Wallace, M Mulvenna, G Epelde
JMIR medical informatics 8 (7), e18910, 2020
Can chatbots help support a person’s mental health? Perceptions and views from mental healthcare professionals and experts
C Sweeney, C Potts, E Ennis, R Bond, MD Mulvenna, S O’neill, ...
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 2 (3), 1-15, 2021
Combining deep residual neural network features with supervised machine learning algorithms to classify diverse food image datasets
P McAllister, H Zheng, R Bond, A Moorhead
Computers in biology and medicine 95, 217-233, 2018
Quantifying health literacy and eHealth literacy using existing instruments and browser-based software for tracking online health information seeking behavior
S Quinn, R Bond, C Nugent
Computers in Human Behavior 69, 256-267, 2017
Assessing the usability of a chatbot for mental health care
G Cameron, D Cameron, G Megaw, R Bond, M Mulvenna, S O’Neill, ...
Internet Science: INSCI 2018 International Workshops, St. Petersburg, Russia …, 2019
Towards emotion recognition for virtual environments: an evaluation of eeg features on benchmark dataset
MLR Menezes, A Samara, L Galway, A Sant’Anna, A Verikas, ...
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 21, 1003-1013, 2017
Automation bias in medicine: the influence of automated diagnoses on interpreter accuracy and uncertainty when reading electrocardiograms
RR Bond, T Novotny, I Andrsova, L Koc, M Sisakova, D Finlay, ...
Journal of electrocardiology 51 (6), S6-S11, 2018
Best practices for designing chatbots in mental healthcare–A case study on iHelpr
G Cameron, D Cameron, G Megaw, RR Bond, M Mulvenna, S O'Neill, ...
British HCI Conference 2018, 2018
The cardiac conduction system: generation and conduction of the cardiac impulse
A Kennedy, DD Finlay, D Guldenring, R Bond, K Moran, J McLaughlin
Critical Care Nursing Clinics 28 (3), 269-279, 2016
Affective state detection via facial expression analysis within a human–computer interaction context
A Samara, L Galway, R Bond, H Wang
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10, 2175-2184, 2019
Automated detection of atrial fibrillation using RR intervals and multivariate-based classification
A Kennedy, DD Finlay, D Guldenring, RR Bond, K Moran, J McLaughlin
Journal of electrocardiology 49 (6), 871-876, 2016
Ethical by design: A manifesto
M Mulvenna, J Boger, R Bond
Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, 51-54, 2017
Assessing computerized eye tracking technology for gaining insight into expert interpretation of the 12-lead electrocardiogram: an objective quantitative approach
RR Bond, T Zhu, DD Finlay, B Drew, PD Kligfield, D Guldenring, C Breen, ...
Journal of electrocardiology 47 (6), 895-906, 2014
The effects of electrode misplacement on clinicians’ interpretation of the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram
RR Bond, DD Finlay, CD Nugent, C Breen, D Guldenring, MJ Daly
European journal of internal medicine 23 (7), 610-615, 2012
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Articles 1–20