Per-Erik Bengtsson
Per-Erik Bengtsson
Professor in Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
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Modeling laser-induced incandescence of soot: a summary and comparison of LII models
HA Michelsen, F Liu, BF Kock, H Bladh, A Boiarciuc, M Charwath, T Dreier, ...
Applied physics B 87, 503-521, 2007
Exhaled respiratory particles during singing and talking
M Alsved, A Matamis, R Bohlin, M Richter, PE Bengtsson, CJ Fraenkel, ...
Aerosol Science and Technology 54 (11), 1245-1248, 2020
A review of terminology used to describe soot formation and evolution under combustion and pyrolytic conditions
HA Michelsen, MB Colket, PE Bengtsson, A D’anna, P Desgroux, ...
ACS nano 14 (10), 12470-12490, 2020
Laser-induced fluorescence of formaldehyde in combustion using third harmonic Nd: YAG laser excitation
C Brackmann, J Nygren, X Bai, Z Li, H Bladh, B Axelsson, I Denbratt, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 59 (14 …, 2003
Soot-visualization strategies using laser techniques: Laser-induced fluorescence in C2 from laser-vaporized soot and laser-induced soot incandescence
PE Bengtsson, M Aldén
Applied Physics B 60, 51-59, 1995
Laser-induced incandescence for soot particle size measurements in premixed flat flames
B Axelsson, R Collin, PE Bengtsson
Applied Optics 39 (21), 3683-3690, 2000
On the dependence of the laser-induced incandescence (LII) signal on soot volume fraction for variations in particle size
H Bladh, J Johnsson, PE Bengtsson
Applied Physics B 90, 109-125, 2008
Optical soot characterization using two-color laser-induced incandescence (2C-LII) in the soot growth region of a premixed flat flame
H Bladh, J Johnsson, NE Olofsson, A Bohlin, PE Bengtsson
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 641-648, 2011
Rotational CARS generation through a multiple four-color interaction
M Aldén, PE Bengtsson, H Edner
Applied optics 25 (23), 4493-4500, 1986
A test of different rotational Raman linewidth models: Accuracy of rotational coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering thermometry in nitrogen from 295 to 1850 K
L Martinsson, PE Bengtsson, M Aldén, S Kröll, J Bonamy
The Journal of chemical physics 99 (4), 2466-2477, 1993
Laser-induced incandescence for soot particle size and volume fraction measurements using on-line extinction calibration
B Axelsson, R Collin, PE Bengtsson
Applied Physics B 72, 367-372, 2001
Structure of premixed ammonia+ air flames at atmospheric pressure: Laser diagnostics and kinetic modeling
C Brackmann, VA Alekseev, B Zhou, E Nordström, PE Bengtsson, Z Li, ...
Combustion and Flame 163, 370-381, 2016
Wavelength dependence of extinction in sooting flat premixed flames in the visible and near-infrared regimes
J Simonsson, NE Olofsson, S Török, PE Bengtsson, H Bladh
Applied Physics B 119, 657-667, 2015
Characteristics of laser-induced incandescence from soot in studies of a time-dependent heat-and mass-transfer model
H Bladh, PE Bengtsson
Applied physics b 78, 241-248, 2004
Probing the smallest soot particles in low-sooting premixed flames using laser-induced incandescence
H Bladh, NE Olofsson, T Mouton, J Simonsson, X Mercier, A Faccinetto, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1843-1850, 2015
Thermometry in internal combustion engines via dual-broadband rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy
C Brackmann, J Bood, M Afzelius, PE Bengtsson
Measurement Science and Technology 15 (3), R13, 2004
Quantitative three-dimensional imaging of soot volume fraction in turbulent non-premixed flames
J Hult, A Omrane, J Nygren, C Kaminski, B Axelsson, R Collin, ...
Experiments in fluids 33, 265-269, 2002
Rotational CARS: a comparison of different techniques with emphasis on accuracy in temperature determination
M Aldén, PE Bengtsson, H Edner, S Kröll, D Nilsson
Applied optics 28 (15), 3206-3219, 1989
Dual-broadband rotational CARS thermometry in the product gas of hydrocarbon flames
F Vestin, M Afzelius, C Brackmann, PE Bengtsson
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 1673-1680, 2005
Time-domain measurements of S-branch N2–N2 Raman linewidths using picosecond pure rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy
CJ Kliewer, A Bohlin, E Nordström, BD Patterson, PE Bengtsson, ...
Applied Physics B 108, 419-426, 2012
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