Fredrik Björklund
Fredrik Björklund
Dept. of Psychology, Lund University
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Social intuitionists answer six questions about morality
J Haidt, F Bjorklund
Oxford University Press, 2008
Moral dumbfounding: When intuition finds no reason
J Haidt, F Bjorklund, S Murphy
Unpublished manuscript, University of Virginia 191, 221, 2000
Five-factor inventories have a major general factor related to social desirability which can be reduced by framing items neutrally
M Bäckström, F Björklund, MR Larsson
Journal of research in personality 43 (3), 335-344, 2009
Structural modeling of generalized prejudice: The role of social dominance, authoritarianism, and empathy
M Bäckström, F Björklund
Journal of Individual Differences 28 (1), 10-17, 2007
Will I fit in and do well? The importance of social belongingness and self-efficacy for explaining gender differences in interest in STEM and HEED majors
U Tellhed, M Bäckström, F Björklund
Sex Roles 77 (1), 86-96, 2017
Emotional reactions, perceived impact and perceived responsibility mediate the identifiable victim effect, proportion dominance effect and in-group effect respectively
A Erlandsson, F Björklund, M Bäckström
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 127, 1-14, 2015
Moral concerns are greater for temporally distant events and are moderated by value strength
J Agerström, F Björklund
Social cognition 27 (2), 261-282, 2009
Temporal distance and moral concerns: Future morally questionable behavior is perceived as more wrong and evokes stronger prosocial intentions
J Agerström, F Björklund
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 31 (1), 49-59, 2009
Individual differences in processing styles: validity of the Rational–Experiential Inventory
F Björklund, M Bäckström
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 49 (5), 439-446, 2008
Confirming the three-factor structure of the disgust scale—revised in eight countries
BO Olatunji, MW Moretz, D McKay, F Bjorklund, PJ de Jong, J Haidt, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 40 (2), 234-255, 2009
Ambivalent stereotypes link to peace, conflict, and inequality across 38 nations
F Durante, ST Fiske, MJ Gelfand, F Crippa, C Suttora, A Stillwell, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (4), 669-674, 2017
Warm and competent Hassan= cold and incompetent Eric: A harsh equation of real-life hiring discrimination
J Agerström, F Björklund, R Carlsson, DO Rooth
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 34 (4), 359-366, 2012
The effect of response style on self-reported conscientiousness across 20 countries
R Mõttus, J Allik, A Realo, J Rossier, G Zecca, J Ah-Kion, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (11), 1423-1436, 2012
Social intuitionists reason, in conversation
J Haidt, F Bjorklund, W Sinnott-Armstrong
Moral Psychology 2, 2008
Social desirability in personality inventories: Symptoms, diagnosis and prescribed cure
M Bäckström, F Björklund
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 54 (2), 152-159, 2013
Recent work on motivational internalism
F Björklund, G Björnsson, J Eriksson, R Francén Olinder, C Strandberg
Analysis 72 (1), 124-137, 2012
Implicit stereotype content
R Carlsson, F Björklund
Social Psychology, 2010
The role of ability beliefs and agentic vs. communal career goals in adolescents' first educational choice. What explains the degree of gender-balance?
U Tellhed, M Bäckström, F Björklund
Journal of Vocational Behavior 104, 1-13, 2018
Differences in the justification of choices in moral dilemmas: Effects of gender, time pressure and dilemma seriousness
F Björklund
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 44 (5), 459-466, 2003
Moral dumbfounding: When intuition finds no reason
F Björklund, J Haidt, S Murphy
Department of Psychology, Lund University, 2000
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Articles 1–20